Thursday, December 28, 2017

Inventor of Television - John Logie Baird

Television inventor is one of the most important needs for mankind today. Television becomes a tool to channel information to the public.

The inventor of Television is John Logie Baird. He was born on August 13, 1888 in Scotland, Baird received his education at the Royal Technical College and the University of Glasgow.

Disturbed by ill health, he was unable to participate in World War I and ultimately chose his position as an electrical engineer.

He then decided to become a "professional amateur," and pursue different and profitable interests.

The Invention of The Theory of Relativity By Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein's most influential scientist on earth. He is a scientist who is considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century thanks to his thoughts.

His greatest contribution to science is his well-known theory of relativity and his famous formula is E = mc² which from the formula makes America able to create atomic bombs and defeat japan. Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in Ulm, the Kingdom of Wurttemberg, the German Empire.

Inventor of Scanner - Ray Kurzweil

Scanners are the most widely used objects in school offices or in laboratories. The inventor of the Scanner is Ray Kurzweil. Scanner (scanner) is one electronic object that has the same function as a copy machine.

But the basic difference between a photocopier and a scanner is only the printout where the copier printed on the paper can be seen on the paper while the scanner results in the form of digital results that can be viewed on the screen but can be modified or stored or printed.

Inventor of Electromagnet - William Sturgeon

In this article we will discuss about the  inventor of electromagnet William Sturgeon . William Sturgeon is a British national, born on May 22, 1783 in Whittington. Electromagnetism was invented by Sturgeon in 1823. Before discussing more about the electromagnetic invention, we will cover a bit of Sturgeon's life journey. Sturgeon's parents have different jobs, the father works as a shoemaker, while the mother likes to hunt so far from the family. From the age of 10, Sturgeon worked as a cobbler, but soon he entered the army. After entering the military world, he was inspired about the lightning storms when the ship he was flying in was hit by a storm.

Inventor of Incandescent Lamp - Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most famous scientist and also he is recognized worldwide as the inventor of the incandescent lamp, a finding that is very useful for human life.

The inventor of this genius received formal education for only three years because he was expelled from his school because his teachers considered him a very stupid student and could not absorb the lessons well.

Inventor of Tank - Sir Ernest Swinton

This article will discuss the discovery of a Tank which is an armored vehicle that has a cannon or missile as an armament and uses an iron chain treadmill as its wheels.

Tanks are armored vehicles used by the military or most widely used when the war is bulletproof. Today's tanks are becoming more sophisticated, many new technologies are being applied into tanks like weapons systems and other military technologies.

The Inventor of Zero (0) - Al Khawarizmi

History of Zero and Its Scores - The number zero turns out to be a discoverer. Before we discuss more deeply about the inventor of this zero, do you know where it came from? This zero is found by a Middle East origin, who is none other than a genius of the people or religion of a million people, namely Islam. We know that many inventors of technology from the West or from eg Britain, Europe, and others. But the inventors of the West will never find his discovery if no Middle Eastern Muslim with the inventor of this zero, he is none other than Al Khawarizmi. Do you know the Leonardo Fibonacci mathematician? He was a famous mathematician throughout history, but he would not be a mathematician if there was no Al Khawarizmi.

WHO Will Classify Play Game Addiction So 'Mental Disorder'

The World Health Organization (WHO) will classify the addiction to playing games as a mental health disorder by 2018. WHO mentions it in a document that is still in draft form in beta stage. There are three characteristics in the draft which are included in the game addiction classification.

The 5 Most Dangerous Towns in the World Due to Technological Advancement

There are so many beautiful and peaceful cities around the world. But apparently, there are some cities dubbed with the most dangerous city in the world. Some people may think that the city is dangerous because of the natural phenomenon that occurs. However, the dangerous city is caused by human activities that destroy it.

Features Face ID iPhone X Apparently Can Be Fouled by Mask!

In September 2017, Apple introduced features Face ID is staying digadang as the most sophisticated security system today. Apple party also said that their Face ID features are claimed to be very secure and not easily fooled.

However, a group of researchers from the security research company in Vietnam Bkav revealed a fact that is quite surprising. They do research to test the security level of iPhone Face ID feature, and show their demonstration in a video.

Apparently, to be able to break the Face ID system can use 2D and 3D face mask made of plastic components, silicone nose, makeup, as well as other materials with total cost of mask production reached USD150.

The researchers started their research on November 5 right after getting the iPhone X. And the mask is made exactly the same shape and structure of one of the users of iPhone X.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Microsoft and Apple Predicted to Take Control of IT 2018 Industry

A number of analysts from the financial and business services companies, Moody's, estimates that Apple and Microsoft have a big effect in the industry of information technology (IT) in the next year. Both companies will become the two rulers of the IT industry.

HomeTechnoTips These Tips Make Instagram Line With More "#"

Instagram provides a new way for users to create timelines more attractive by getting follow (follow) the hashtag or favorite hashtag.

This new feature function is the same as you follow other accounts, because the various uploads with tags that follow will also appear in the timeline.

Various photos and videos on Instagram are usually equipped with various tags like #mountain, #happy, #throwback and #sunset. You can find photos and videos from around the world using these tags.

For example when you want to see photos related to mountains, you can access the #mountain tag in the search field.

Able To Be A Weapon Of Mass Destruction, This How It Works Ballistic Missiles!!!

The launch of a Hwasong missile that is claimed to reach the United States (AFP / Korean Central News Agency)
A number of countries include intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) missiles in their weaponry lists.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Know This History of Internet Creation !!!

Who created the Internet?

Today many people get rich because of the Internet, like facebook maker, google, alibaba etc. But they are not people who find the internet, but they only use the internet. Then, the creator of the Internet must be the richest person today, right?

Then, who is the person who created the Internet? British scientist in the underground laboratory in Switzerland? Could be.American people threatened by a nuclear strike from Russia? May also. The French scientist who gave his computer network name Le Intenet? Interesting. Or is it a collection of savvy scientists who are completing a project that they know will be useful, but not aware of the project will be very influential?

Is Albert Einstein's Theory of Happiness Proven to Be Happy?

Albert Einstein

In 1951, Albert Einstein published the Theory of General Relativity. Over a hundred years later, the theory proved to be the most successful framework for understanding the universe.
The theory, guiding scientists to understand black holes, expanding time, gravitational waves, and many other discoveries.

In addition to formulating General Theory of Relativity, he also 'formulated' other theories. Not about physics, as in the field of science that it contains, Einstein reveals his theory of how to have a happy life.

Strengthen Stream Music Service, Apple Shazam Acquisition

Apple Logo (JIBI / Reuters / Docs)

Reported by Reuters on Tuesday (12/12/2017), Apple did not inform how much the value of the acquisition. While TechCrunch reported the deal was worth 400 million dollars, under the value of Shazam valuation of 1 billion US dollars.

Monday, December 11, 2017

LIKE, Becoming the Most Popular App

Google Play's official Android app distributor has announced the best global app on November 30, 2017. The special effects video editors and social platform LIKE are awarded as the most popular, best and most entertaining social app.

7 Reasons Why You Should Use UC Browser

The search engine that is also popular currently used in laptor or in smartphones is UC Browser. The question is, why use UC Browse? What are the advantages?

The 3 Most Advanced Applications in the World, the Most Used

(Photo: Lely Maulida / Okezone)

Smartphone is now a human need not be separated from a series of supporting applications. Collaboration of both makes the smartphone increasingly provide benefits that can support their productivity.

What is a Lite or Mini App? Here's the Answer!

Is a lite or mini app commonly found in PlayStore? The question may come to mind when you try to find an application in Playstore.

There are many apps that have a lite or mini version that you might encounter.

Then, what is lite or mini intent in the app? For those of you who are curious about the answer, please refer to below.

What is a lite or mini app and what are the examples?

A mini or lite app is a simpler version of the app. As the name implies, mini is a small form of an object. This is also true in an application.

The mini app has the same functionality as the original app, but it has a limited view. The features shown may be the same, but with a simpler model.

In addition to more simple, lite or mini applications have smaller sizes.

So, you who object to the size of its regular application, mini app will be very helpful. In addition, the mini version of an app also can almost work in any connection, starting from 2G connections. The lite or mini version of an app is also capable of running even if the connection conditions are in a slow state. And the most profitable is the mini version does not eat much internet data.

After getting answers to the question what is a lite or mini application, now is the time to explain the example of the application with the lite or mini version.

Facebook Lite

Facebook Lite is a simple form for Facebook users. The regular Facebook app has an interesting look and has a very large size. This causes many people who feel overwhelmed because it takes a lot of phone memory.

With Facebook Lite, you can enjoy Facebook to connect with your friends without worrying about connection and phone memory.

Opera Mini

For you mobile users, this browser application must be familiar. Opera Mini offers convenience for users to browse with Opera but in a more compatible and simple version.
After knowing the exact answer to the question what is a lite or mini application, now you can relax have a lite or mini based application.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

For Android, Easily Change Screen Display to Black and White

Tired of the look of that Android that's it? Want to change the appearance into a monochrome theme? If so, you have entered into the right article! The reason, in addition to providing creations will display your smartphone, this way can even make your Android smartphone battery so much lasting.

Wow, This Great Discovery Found by Women!

By the end of the 20th century, only 10 percent of the patents of discovery were given to women.

However, it should be underlined that this does not mean women are less smart than men, but it takes tens and maybe hundreds of years until women can be equal in the eyes of men. For example, Sybilla Masters who lived in the 18th century when America is still famous for the "wild-wild west" era. Sybilla is innovating in the process of making corn flour.

Go Files, Free Official File Manager Apps Official Google Launch!

Copyright © File Go

To manage computer or laptop files can be easy and fast, but different from mobile or smartphone, there are some things that distinguish in the operating system or between users to use the device. In connection with this, of course with the application file manager can be useful. Like one of Google's latest file manager application titled File Go.

Jobs to Zuckerberg, These 5 Strange Habits of the World Technology boss!!!

Successful or rich people sometimes have strange behaviors. This sort of thing happens to the world technology bosses. The habits they do tend to be strange and unique, which certainly makes us wonder.
Habits they have even rarely done people in general. Curious what? Here are five silly habits of the world's tech bosses.

You Must Try! Here are 5 Best iPhone Applications 2017

iPhone can be regarded as one of the most sophisticated technology that emerged in the millenial era.

Since the world hit in 2007 with its 1stgen, up to the latest generation of the iPhone X. Smartphone made by Apple's technology giant industry, managed to captivate the world community with minimalist-futuristic appearance, responsive touch screen, and a solid operating system.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Is this Appearance Render Design Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro 2018?

Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro 2018

Recently it has been circulating smartphone rendering design that allegedly is the Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro 2018. The phone is glimpsed carrying the concept of design similar to Galaxy J3 Pro 2017 which has been released first.

First in History, Google Assistant Comes in Feature Phone

Google will bring Google Assistant's digital assistant to feature phone. To show its seriousness, Google announced that Google Assistant is present on JioPhone.

Rumor iPhone SE 2 Which Will Release Year 2018

This year, iPhone X managed to hit the tradition of mobile production Apple. One of the questions that arise is will there be cheap iPhone X version? As if answering that question, rumors of iPhone SE 2 was spreading.

Nokia 9 and Nokia 8 rumored to be launched on January 19, 2018

The new information shows that the Finnish firm plans to celebrate its first anniversary by launching its flagship smartphone Nokia 9 in January 2018. Nokia 9 does not present itself, it is expected to be launched simultaneously with the second generation Nokia 8 models.

How Does a Spider Make the Net?

Spider webs | Creative Commons

The spider makes a net to catch its prey. Anyone know, how the spider makes a net?

Who would have thought this "weird" thing was in the 25 Best Discovery of TIME version

(Photo: The Verge)

Some time ago TIME has released a list of 25 products that are considered the best invention in 2017. Apple-made smartphone, iPhone X, to be one of them. In addition there is also Nintendo Swtich which combines console games with portable console.

However, from the number of objects that are included in the list, there are some objects that may seem strange. What are these objects?

Sony recommends new phones that have 4K display

After XZ Premium, it seems Sony will again produce phones with 4K display, and viewed from the user agent profile the phone has H81XX code.

Samsung rush folding smartphone release, This is the reason !!

Many rumors say that Samsung will soon release Galaxy X which is a device that has a first fold screen on the market.

Remembering the greatness of Nokia 3310 Legend

Nokia 3310 model? Clearly I am one of them. Do you know? Hp this model is very cool. Beat a sophisticated smartphone in the present.

Nokia 3310 Trump-Putin Version, Efforts to Improve US-Russian Relationship?

Caviar is a Russian company that often  mobile phones or special smartphones at fantastic prices.
This time they issued a luxury and expensive device titled Trump-Putin Nokia 3310 worth Rp33, 3 million. Five times more expensive than the regular version.

History of Fire Was First Discovered

In history so many discoveries are very helpful for our lives, and almost every discovery in history can change the lives of mankind to the world.

One of them is fire, a little strange indeed if we talk about fire, but the fire we use is indeed changing for life, and we must also know the first history of fire was found in this world.

Google Map Updates, Here Are Some New Features It Offers

The Google giant continues to update on the performance of some of its applications.

After it was announced some new apps to be launched ran the turn of the year like datally, Santa Trucker.
Some new features will be updated on the Google Map at Grid.ID via Gadgetsnow.

Powerful! How to Strengthen the Smartphone Signal

Here are some tricks you can do if you can hard to signal at home.

Open the window

The closed window of the house will certainly block the incoming signal, the signal can not enter when blocked objects such as glass, Wall, metal or the other.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Sony's First Product Is Not Smartphone! It's It!

Sony is one of the most technological producers that has produced a lot of goods that simplify human life. Without us aware of the goods around us often we meet goods brand sony. Starting from TV, playstation, camera, mobile phone and more.

First SMS Sent 25 Years Ago, Here's The Contents

Did you know, the first short message or SMS in the world, was sent 25 years ago. On December 3, 1992 Engineer Neil Papworth sent a message via computer and sent it to Vodafone's director Richard Jarvis.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

6 This Genius Scientist Known As 'Strange Person'

Albert Einstein

It's a common secret, the world's most genius scientists are a bunch of "weirdos". Perhaps it was these peculiarities that made them produce works and ideas that the average person did not even think of.

Some scientists are known for their eccentric personalities, others polymatics (polymaths) - competent in various fields to the extent that they can not understand the limitations of other people's brains.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Here are 10 Historic Photos That Had Been Withheld, Which Finally Leaked On The Internet

A photo does contain a thousand meanings and history in it. Lots of historic photographs whose existence is still mysterious until now. There are so many reasons why the photos have been kept secret for so long. But, because of the sophistication of technology in this era of photographs finally leaked on the internet.

For Security, the Amazon Drawer Drone will be destroyed in the Air when Damaged

Site giant online sale, Amazon, apparently will soon issue a freight service by using drones.

The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is currently thinking about how safest steps should be taken by Amazon to use this most popular technology as part of their operations.

The HP Option with the Mandatory Best Pen Stylus Is Your Choice

Until now still not many mobile phones that come with the support of stylus pen features that complete it. In fact not all the stylus pen that is a complement to a phone can work well on all types of smartphones. Therefore if you are interested in buying a HP with the best pen stylus, then you must be observant in choosing.
But that does not mean there is no phone that is supported Stylus pen with good quality. There is, but it is very important for you to be very clever in choosing it. Here are the various HP options with the best pen stylus that should be your choice.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Remember the BlackBerry Curve 8520 Smartphone

In his time, BlackBerry had become the king of smartphones in Indonesia. BlackBerry is a prestigious smartphone. Have your own social status. Almost like the iPhone in terms of prestige.

Extraordinary! Samsung Battery is fully charged in 12 minutes

Photo: NDTV

One of the most important parameters of a smart device is the capacity of the battery to ensure adequate activity during use of the device, especially when opening many applications and menus that do require considerable power. Not infrequently, global smartphone vendors are arming their flagship smartphone with jumbo power capacity and battery charging features super fast.

3 Reasons Why UC Browser Is The Answer Video Buffering Problem

The development of applications in smartphones and computers is a step by the manufacturers to meet the needs of the users. Not only the internet should be getting tighter, but supporting applications should be developed. Has UCers experienced video lag or jam problems enjoying a favorite show.

The incident is not fun is it? Such an experience can be counteracted by a good and fast browsing app. One of them is UC Browser. Why? Here are three reasons.

Lightweight Applications.

No need to wait for long and use internet quota in bulk to use this application. (15/9/2017), preach UC Browser has many options to save internet quota. One of them is a feature that degrades the image quality. Although lowered, the quality can still be enjoyed the eye!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

This Leaked Specification Xiaomi Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus

Xiaomi Redmi Concept 5. (Special)

BEIJING - Xiaomi reportedly uploaded a picture on Weibo account revealing the launch date of Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus which was originally on December 7, 2017. Previously, had circulated speculation this duo Xiaomi mainstay gadgets will be introduced December 10th.

5 Most Feared Hackers of the World!!!

Someone who likes to take take over data in the internet network is called a hacker. Not only that, they can also earn money in various ways that are quite difficult to explain. In fact, there is a hacker who can generate hundreds of billions of dollars in an instant. Do not believe? Check out five of the best hackers of all time, one of whom is Indonesian.

The Wife's Story of the Richest People in the World Who Were So Waitress

What's it like to be the wife of the richest man in the world? In the eyes of MacKenzie Bezos, being the wife of the richest man in the world turned out to be a 'normal' thing.

According to him, the assumption is too much. Because in fact, MacKenzie wants to be a simple person who continues to want to work and inspire people.

As is known, MacKenzie Bezos is the wife of CEO and founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos . He is a novelist. MacKenzie - so familiarly called has published two novels, "The Testing of Luther Albright" in 2005 and "Traps" in 2013.

But did you know, long before Jeff Bezos's wife , MacKenzie had already lived a simple life? Yes, even he had become a waitress.

According to information reported by Business Insider,  Thursday (30/11/2017), MacKenzie was born and grew up in San Francisco. To Vogue , he said spent his youth in a simple little family. From children, little MacKenzie is already a hobby of writing.

As a teenager, MacKenzie went on to study at college and studied fiction and literature studies. he even joins with writer Toni Morrison who also won the Pulitzer Prize award.

During his college years, MacKenzie also works part-time to fill his spare time and supplement his income. Various types of work he did. Starting from the restaurant waiter, dishwasher, librarian, tutor, baby sitter, to the assistant lecturer for Toni Morrison.

After graduation, MacKenzie went on to work as a writer and also became a consultant to DE Shaw's management firm.

From there, he meets Jeff Bezos and continues the relationship to a more serious level. They married in 1993 ago and moved to Seattle, USA in 1994. Until now, he and Jeff Bezos have four children.

The Richest Man in the World

Jeff Bezos

The transformation of the world's richest man, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. (Photo: CNBC)
The title of the richest man in the world is now no longer held by Microsoft founder Bill Gates. The prestigious title was already held by Amazon boss Jeff Bezos.

Yes, since Friday 27 October 2017, Jeff Bezos became the richest man in the world. This happened because Bezos got an extra fortune of US $ 7 billion (about Rp 94.5 trillion) overnight. Amazon's stock value even jumped after publishing its earnings report.

Based on CNBC calculations and Bloomberg Billionaires Index data , Bezos' wealth is estimated to exceed US $ 90 billion (around Rp 1.216 trillion).

Jeff Bezos was legitimate to be the richest man in the world to replace Bill Gates, who now occupies the position of the second richest man in the world.

Just to be known, this is not the first time Bezos became the richest man in the world. Previously he had been the richest man in the world last July. However, the next day the value of Amazon shares fell so that the position of the richest man back to Bill Gates.

Actually not only the wealth of Bezos that increases, but also Gates. The same page mentions, Microsoft's stock value soared and this makes the wealth of Gates increased US $ 550 million (about Rp 7.4 trillion) to US $ 88.5 billion (approximately Rp 1,195.9 trillion). If dibadingkan, treasure Bezos indeed more.

However, the title of the richest man in the world does not seem to be eternal. It could be Bezos again overtaken Gates if the value of Microsoft shares rise again or the value of Amazon shares decreased.

After Samsung tipped to launch the smartphone fold, this time turn Apple that dinformasikan going to do that. This information is known from the patents registered by the company.

Quoted from the IB Times , Tuesday (28/11/2017), the patent filed by the company was already approved by the Patent and Trademark Office of the United States. In the patent, Apple is known to have an iPhone concept that has two screens with a separator in between.

HomeTechnoGadget Samsung Launches Galaxy S8 Burgundi Red, What's Different?

Samsung has just announced the latest model of the Galaxy S8. This time, the South Korean company launched the Galaxy S8 with a burgundy red bandage.

Quoted from Android Police on Tuesday (28/11/2017), this model became the 6th color of the Galaxy S8 series that had previously been launched, such as Midnight Black, Orchid Gray, Coral Blue, Arctic Silver, and Maple Gold.

7How to Create a Signature in Gmail

Whether to send a report to the professor or supervisor, certainly a large part of you used to write the name, title, and information boxes in each email sent.

In fact, Google already provides Signature  or signature features in the Gmail service . With this feature, you no longer need to always add your information to every email you write and send.

How to? Without length, here is how to add Signature in your Gmail account either via desktop PC or mobile device .


1. Log in to your Gmail account and click the gear icon (the setting at the top right of the window (as shown in the picture below) and the week of the Settings option .

2. After that, scroll down on the General tab to find the Signature option .

Here, you can enter the desired text as a Signature or can choose to add an image as a signature in an email .

Not only limited to text and images, you can also add hyperlinks or quotations you want. Once it's over, you just click Save Changes .

5 Gmail Secret Features You Should Know

Most of you must have been familiar with the service email  milikl Google called Gmail .

So one of the most widely used email services in the world, it's natural that many users feel 'expert' with this Gmail service . In fact, Gmail has many features that are not known even to loyal users.

What are the secret features? Summarize from various sources, serve 5 secret features in Gmail that you must know.

5 The Tale of Natural Technology Vs Technology, Who Wins?

Technology was created to help human life. However, nature itself is a creation of God that sometimes is not in line with man-made technology. The increasingly sophisticated technology in fact is often difficult to face the 'sophist' nature. The proof, there are many events that show sophisticated technology even though not able to match the forces of nature.

Some of the following events show how when the latest technology deals with natural events or phenomena. Here are five real stories of technology vs nature battles, who wins?

Monday, November 27, 2017

For 148 Days Pokemon GO Losing US Citizens USD7, 3 Billion

Pokemon game GO scientifically can indeed damage the life of his players. This is evident in scientific research conducted a college in the United States (US).

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Rippled Technology, The Oldest Postcard UK Bankrupt Company

The development of increasingly cutting-edge technology gives widespread influence to various fields. One of them is the emergence of a variety of new technology products that can further alleviate the work of the community.

Not infrequently the technology also changes the lifestyle of society. As a result, some companies that once had great success now have to go out of business.

The largest British postcard maker, for example. Named J Salmon, the company that has been around since 1880 will be closed in December 2017.

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