Tuesday, December 5, 2017

History of Fire Was First Discovered

In history so many discoveries are very helpful for our lives, and almost every discovery in history can change the lives of mankind to the world.

One of them is fire, a little strange indeed if we talk about fire, but the fire we use is indeed changing for life, and we must also know the first history of fire was found in this world.

Fire is badly needed for human survival although sometimes this fire causes problems. Depending on what fire we use, there is a saying "small so friends and big so opposed". The benefits of fire is already we can feel in life such as for lighting, cooking, warm the body and so forth.

image source: public-domain-image.com

And sometimes we wonder how the fire was first discovered and who it was, the fire or the heat energy that we could initially get by banging two stones or by rubbing two pieces of wood, so that it would cause a spark that we could then use on dry twigs or dried leaves that can then become a fire.

The first known fire was in ancient times that they accidentally saw the lightning of the sky in the sky which grabbed the trees around it, so that the fire appeared to burn the trees. Starting from that civilization began to change, the early humans were new to know the fire for cooking, lighting and others.

Maybe this is just a little info from this blog if there is an error please forgive. EKi

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