Thursday, December 28, 2017

Inventor of Incandescent Lamp - Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most famous scientist and also he is recognized worldwide as the inventor of the incandescent lamp, a finding that is very useful for human life.

The inventor of this genius received formal education for only three years because he was expelled from his school because his teachers considered him a very stupid student and could not absorb the lessons well.

Finally, his parents especially his mother worked hard at home to teach Thomas Alva Edison alone by way of home schooling or Homeschooling. His mother believed that Thomas Alva Edison was not a fool.

Thomas Alva Edison Inventor of the LampHer mother's confidence was precisely because she succeeded in developing Thomas Alva Edison's skill and genius which would later become known as one of the world's most genius inventors.

As a result, young Alva Edison succeeded in creating his first rendition of an electronic voice recorder he made when he was only twenty years old. His creations he did not sell.

After that, he then pursue the making of tools that he thinks can be sold in the market. Thomas Alva Edison then refine the telegram machine that he created automatically can print letters. The device then sold for 40 thousand dollars, a very large amount at that time. Afterwards other discoveries then he managed to make.

More Than a Thousand Experiments And Successfully Finding Incandescent Lamps

In 1879, Thomas Alva edison succeeded in creating an important discovery in the history of mankind that invented the incandescent lamp, so that his name is remembered throughout history.

Edison Discovery Lamp ModelThomas Alva Edison was not the first to create an electric lighting system. Earlier electrically powered lights have been used for street lighting in Paris.

However, the incandescent lamps of Edison's findings along with the power-sharing system he developed enable practical electric lighting for the home.

So that in 1882, the company pioneered by Thomas Alva Edison began producing electricity for homes in New York, and in a very short time, its incandescent lamps had spread all over the world.

In one of his biographies is told that Thomas Alva Edison managed to find an incandescent light after a failure 1000 times in an attempt to find an incandescent lamp or electric lamp.

... .I did not fail, I just found a thousand ways that did not work to turn on my lights - Thomas Alva Edison

The existence of the first electric company founded by Edison to create new innovations for lighting in people's homes, The findings also serve as a model of the development of large industries.

The use of electric power not only to the lighting alone but very useful for all aspects of household needs such as the use of television, radio, until the washing machine.

Furthermore, the existence of the power network distributed by the company made Thomas Alva Edison made a fairly rapid development in terms of electricity usage for the small to large industrial sector.

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