Monday, December 4, 2017

First SMS Sent 25 Years Ago, Here's The Contents

Did you know, the first short message or SMS in the world, was sent 25 years ago. On December 3, 1992 Engineer Neil Papworth sent a message via computer and sent it to Vodafone's director Richard Jarvis.

The message is very brief, just "Merry Christmas." It was a simple beginning, but in the end brought many big changes.
However, it takes a long time for SMS to be widely used, both because of the cellular network itself, as well as the phone is more devoted to making calls than typing.

But slowly, SMS is getting more and more popular. In the United States alone, the volume of messages increased from 12.5 billion per month in 2006 to 45 billion a year later. In June 2017, there were 781 billion messages circulating in the country.

Surprisingly, the development of SMS has even changed the ethics of communication. In the past, SMS was viewed as something rude and disrespectful. But now, some people even upset when dielpon, and prefer to be contacted with text messages.

The question now is, does SMS have a healthy long-term future? I do not know, but smartphones and mobile internet access are starting to make SMS shuffled by messaging services, like WhatsApp, Line, and BBM.

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