Thursday, December 28, 2017

Inventor of Electromagnet - William Sturgeon

In this article we will discuss about the  inventor of electromagnet William Sturgeon . William Sturgeon is a British national, born on May 22, 1783 in Whittington. Electromagnetism was invented by Sturgeon in 1823. Before discussing more about the electromagnetic invention, we will cover a bit of Sturgeon's life journey. Sturgeon's parents have different jobs, the father works as a shoemaker, while the mother likes to hunt so far from the family. From the age of 10, Sturgeon worked as a cobbler, but soon he entered the army. After entering the military world, he was inspired about the lightning storms when the ship he was flying in was hit by a storm.

Sturgeon became interested in knowing more about nature. In 1804 he was transferred to the task of royal artillery, where he borrowed many books and experimented with flying kites to receive electric shock from lightning. Because of these experiments, Sturgeon became famous in cadets. After leaving the army, Sturgeon continued his study of natural philosophy and physics lecture night.

After graduating Sturgeon was appointed a physics lecturer for East India Company's Military Seminary in Addiscombe, Surrey. By becoming a lecturer he was free to get an injection of funds used to work on electrical experiments. In the experiments performed, Sturgeon bought a coil of wire on a metal rod that is adapt in electricity, and the result is a flow of electricity in the iron bar is able to attract the surrounding iron powder.

From these experiments Sturgeon realized when the flow of electricity can form a magnetic field that is concentrated in the iron core. Furthermore, he exhibited his electromagnet findings at a physics seminar event, and showed a magnetic field strength that can lift 9 pounds and 7 ounces of iron pieces that have been wrapped by a wire, the power is obtained from a single battery current.

With that invention, in 1825 Sturgeon earned a silver award from the Royal Society of Art. Having managed to find an electromagnet, Sturgeon has also managed to find a modern compass designed using an electromagnet. Sturgeon became more active in organizing seminars on his findings, until in 1832 he was appointed as a staff speaker at the Adelaide Gallery of Practical Science, London.

While being a staff speaker he still demonstrates about the incorporation of DC electric motor with commutator. Sturgeon founded the Journal of Annals of Electrity, Magnestism and Chemistry in 1836. In that year he also managed to find a Galvanometer, a type of ammeter used to detect and measure electric current through a coil in a magnetic field.

Sturgeon assisted his two friends J.Peter Gssiot and Charles Walker had a role in the founding of the London Electrical Society in 1837. In 1840 in his old age, Sturgeon was still actively working as a supervisor at the Royal Victoria Gallery of Parcical Science in Manchester. But when the gallery where he worked was closed in 1942, Sturgeon only worked as a speaker at the seminar and demonstrated some experiments he had found. Sturgeon died in 1850 at the age of 67 at Prestwich, Lancashire, England.

She had been married twice and adopted a daughter. So a review of the  inventor of electromagnet William Sturgeon . May all of his works inspire us to keep trying to find something that can be useful to the people.

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