Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Bluetooth Inventor - Dr. Jaap Haartsen

Bluetooth technology is one of the technological features that facilitate the transfer of files through a device. The impressive technological developments today make it very easy to access these technology features from devices such as smartphones, smart tvs, to notebooks.

However, you should know that the Bluetooth Discoverer is Dr. Jaap Haartsen in the 1990s. He is an engineer from Ericsson company.

His discovery made Haarsten known as ' Father of Bluetooth '. Bluetooth technology is a feature that has low energy that is integrated with short-range wireless settings.

So as to facilitate the process of moving various files from one device to another at a certain distance. To date, the number of Bluetooth devices that have sent files has reached 2 billion more.

Bluetooth Discovery History

Innovation of the invention of bluetooth created by Dr. Jaap Haartsen started from his goal to connect many devices without having to go through cable. This is done to get the efficiency of function and placement. In addition, this wireless technology setting also allows the user to the desired mobility.

The man who has the full name Jacobus Cornelis Haartsen considers that Bluetooth is not only a technology that facilitates the integration of functions of various wireless devices, but can also become a technology brand that will be used by many people.

So this makes him continue to develop innovations on Bluetooth with adjustments to the important function of many devices. With the development of Bluetooth technology feels very easy in all activities transfer files from one device to another device. Bluetooth uses 2.45 GHz network as its data transmission.

As technology evolves, Bluetooth is also evolving with innovation to suit and add comfort to its users.

Innovation is important for Bluetooth

The important function of the invention of bluetooth like this is not only applied to various technological devices used by many lay people. However, the discovery of Haartsen is very useful for transferring data from medical monitoring devices.

A device like this will allow you to get important data related to blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Initially, Bluetooth technology only serves as a bridge of devices that share the same features.

This innovation is the starting point of Jaap Haartsen's discovery for Bluetooth version 1.0. However, until now, innovations that continue to do together with the team allows us to enjoy up to the Bluetooth version 4.2.

Other discovery of bluetooth successfully made Haartsen can not be separated from his experience in the world of telecommunications industry. The important experience he gained during his work in Philips and Siemens made himself think of the technology that facilitates all of our work.

In fact, he also continues to learn to get an important PhD degree from TU Delft. Haartsen's learning and experience will make it easier for him to continue to gain important functionality from the latest wireless technologies.

Technology like this you can find from many devices. The development of wireless coverage range from Bluetooth continues to be a serious concern for Haartsen. It is not possible Bluetooth 5 will appear in the public with a very wide range.

Why is Bluetooth called?

Bluetooth if it means 'Blue tooth'. The word Bluetooth is taken from the name of a king named Harald Bluetooth. He was a Swedish king who lived from 958 to 986. He was known to have united tribes in Sweden and Norway who were often involved in war.

The technology invented by Haartsen is able to unify various technological devices such as computers or mobile phones. The existence of this equation then makes the name Harald Bluetooth immortalized as the name of information exchange technology or data known as Bluetooth. In addition, the area of ​​Bluetooth invention comes from the Scandinavian region which is the territory of King Harald Bluetooth.

Here's a quick review of Bluetooth Discovery History. Jaap Haartsen hopefully can be useful and add insight for us all.

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