Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Who Invented the American Continent Actually? This is the answer

In the books of history we learned in school a lot of explaining that the discoverer of America was Christopher Colombus, this Spanish explorer discovered America on October 12, 1492. However, please note that long before Columbus set foot on the American continent, already many other nations who first discovered the American continent and then live there.

Although Americans have always celebrated the anniversary of the discovery of the American continent by Colombus on the 10th of October, which was then called Colombus day's , scientists and historians have been revealing the facts that Columbus was not the inventor of the first continent. So who was the first American inventor before Columbus?

Michael Bawaya, editor of the American Archaelogy magazine  said that the nation that first came and found the Americas was Asian. The incident happened about 15,000 years ago. According to Bawaya, the Asians traveled through the Bering Land Bridge which now forms a strait connecting the territories called Alaska, the United States of America and Siberia regions whose territory belongs to the Asian continent.

Bering Land Bridge first connects the continent of Asia and America

At that time the Bering Strait Bridge was still a vast land still not covered by the waters as now so that the Asian nation can pass to the American continent. Bering Strait Bridge (Bering Land Bridge) according to many scientists play a very important role because it as a land bridge connecting between the American continent and Asia.

In the area is very large and although unfriendly, there are many plants and animals such as deer, mammoth, mastodon (elephant species), horses that migrate across Bering Land Bridge area so that the region has abundant source of life. In addition there are also mammals, birds and fish that do the pattern of migration in the region.

The Arkeoleogs say that humans who originated from the Asian region at that time had a lifestyle of nonmaden or living moving and then hunt food and water across the bering region and then to the American continent began to spread from the west coast then to the North to Central America and then to the South.

Scientists later named the people who first discovered the American continent with the name Clovis Nation. That's based on scientists' research on an 11,000-year-old ancient settlement found near Clovis, New Mexico, USA. DNA samples show that Clovis is the ancestor of Native Americans, including Indians.

Many people still believe that there are still other nations before the Clovis first find the American continent but as said by Michael Bawaya that this nation has not really been identified so named as a pre-clovis nation.

The existence of these findings makes the work of scientists much more difficult. They believed the nation had set foot on the American continent some 20,000 years ago but had not settled but moved away unlike the Clovis.

How about Europeans coming to America?

A study reveals that Europeans who first set foot in the Americas are the Vikings. They came to the American continent about 500 years before the arrival of Columbus. Proof of their existence can be found in a place called l'Anse Aux Meadows on the island of Newfoundland Canada.

l'Anse Aux Meadows

In place there are viking relics of the remains of buildings of wood covered by grass and soil. The area is thought to be a Viking stopover place when repairing ships and facing bad weather. But scientists have not been too sure whether the place is a permanent settlement of the Vikings or Nordic nations when expanding into the Americas.

So it can be deduced that Cristopher Colombus of Spain was not the first to discover the American continent but the unknown pre-Clovis and the Clovis originating from the Asian continent across the continent of Asia to the American continent through the Bering Strait so they deserve to be called the first discovered the American continent.

Hopefully this information can be useful.

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