Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Who Is The First Compass Inventor?

Who first made the compass or navigator? How was the beginning of the compass? Maybe that's the questions that come up in our minds about this compass.

Compass is a useful navigation tool for determining direction. In the compass contains a magnetic pointer arrow that adapts itself to the earth's magnetic field. In the world of navigation, the compass is very useful.

Since ancient times, compasses have been widely used by world sailors and explorers in determining direction rather than using constellations as signposts.

The magnetic compass was first discovered by ancient Chinese about 2000 years ago. The first compass was made of iron ore material during the Han dynasty around 200-300 BC. They use a compass in the field of forecasting and have not used it for navigation.

The First Compass Model in the World

This magnetic compass shows the direction of the north, south, east and west by using a magnetic pointer.

The north and south directions in the magnetic compass are parallel to the north and south direction of the earth.

Before the magnetic compass was discovered, people who sailed near the land to determine their position and direction.

Those with good knowledge of astronomy use the sun and constellations to determine their direction.

Then the magnetic compass began to be used by ancient Chinese people in the 11th century, during the Song dynasty. With a compass, they easily sail in the fog and do not need to land to determine the position and direction. Since then the compass then began to be used by other nations such as Europe, India and Arabs.

In 1269, the dried Kompas was later discovered by a French scientist named Peregrinus. Another compass was also discovered by the Egyptians in 1300. Then another type of compass was also discovered by Flavio Gioja in 1302.

Since then the compass then began to develop. In 1690, the first liquid-filled magnetic compass was invented by Sir Edmund Halley. Then Francis Crow, a British man also found the first marine compass in 1813.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a non-magnetic compass (astrocompass) was later discovered to show the true northward direction, not the magnetic north.

Until found GPSR (Global Positioning Satellite Receivers) which is considered a kind of electronic compass that can detect the position using a satellite.

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