Wednesday, October 25, 2017

This is the Android Creator, which is in your hands right now !!!

Andy Rubin was born on June 22, 1946 in New Bedford, United States. He is a developer of Android OS. Since childhood, Rubin is accustomed to seeing many new gadgets. This is because his father, a psychologist who swerved into direct marketing business, store electronic products that will be sold in Rubin's room. He has a great interest in everything that robots smell. At Carl Zeiss A.G., where he first worked after college, Rubin was stationed in a robotics division, precisely on digital communications between networks and measurement and manufacturing devices. After from Carl Zeiss, he had worked in the field of robot in a company in Switzerland. From the manufacturing department, Rubin moved to the research department at Apple.

Then, in 1990, Apple spin off to form a company called General Magic and Rubin participated in it. General Magic focuses on the development of handheld devices and communications. The insane engineers, including Rubin, of course, managed to develop a software called Magic Cap. Unfortunately, the Magic Cap is not getting the greeting from the handset and telecom companies. Some who apply Magic Cap just do it for a while. General Magic was finally destroyed. Some developers at General Magic, along with several Apple veterans, then founded Artemis Research. The company developed something called webTV, an early attempt to combine the Internet with television. Rubin joined Artemis to help develop the webTV. When Microsoft bought Artemis, in 1997, Rubin joined the giant company.

Rubin's typical crazy episode re-occurred at Microsoft. Rubin built a robot equipped with a camera to work on his comrades. Crazy, the robot was connected to the Internet and in one incident had been burglarized by parties outside Microsoft. In 1999, Rubin quit webTV (and that means he is no longer a Microsoft employee). He then rented a store in Palo Alto, California, and called the store a laboratory.

Rubin's career in the field of robotics seems to be getting brighter, but his life changed because of vacation in Cayman Island in 1989. While visiting the tropical islands of Jamaica, Rubin accidentally met a man named Bill Caswell. The man is sleeping on the beach, driven from a cottage after a fight with his girlfriend. Andy offers the man a place to live and in return, Casswell offers him a job. The amazing coincidence is that the man works at Apple. At Apple, Rubin is having a good time. At that time, Apple was still in good shape thanks to a Macintosh computer. The culture of Apple was rubbing against Rubin. There he had a chance to misbehave, like reprogramming the phone system so he could pretend to be CEO, John Sculley. Jokes like that would probably be liked by Steve Jobs, a man who likes to make jokes by phone, but when it is Apple's period without Jobs.

In a place full of Rubin's collection of robotic toys, an idea for a new product was born. Together with several colleagues, Rubin later founded Danger Inc. Danger successfully achieved through a device called Sidekick. Originally, this device was named Danger Hiptop, but on the market it was known as T-Mobile Sidekick.

"We want to make a device, about the size of a bar of chocolate, for a price below 10 dollars and can be used to scan an object and get information about it from the Internet. Then, add radio and transmitter devices, be Sidekick, "Rubin said about Sidekick. Currently, Sidekick is already looking obsolete, but in its time, Sidekick is an odd thing with the concept of technology that goes beyond the times. The device, according to Rubin, is accessing data with phone capabilities. When it comes to the market, Sidekick has to face the fact that the PDA is losing its market. However, Rubin insists that Sidekick is not a PDA. "Supposedly, people are not asking whether this is a PDA or a cell phone. They should ask, is this a platform for third-party developers? This is nothing new. This is the first time a mobile has been a platform for third-party developers, "Rubin said.

Now, what Rubin said was not a strange thing anymore. Just look at Apple de¬ngan millions of third-party applications that are present in the iPhone. Another thing that Danger did, which at the time was unthinkable, was the bridge between handset makers and network providers. Danger decided to share the benefits with T-Mobile in Sidekick service. Thus, Danger does not rely on handset sales as its sole source of income, but also from its services. This makes the device manufacturer (Danger) has the same goal as the device seller (telecom operator T-Mobile). Rubin left Danger in 2004. In 2008, the company was bought by Microsoft. The giant seems to be interested in entering the mobile business with a more aggressive again. The offered value was not half-hearted. According to news circulating Microsoft bought Danger with a price of 500 million dollars. However, the purchase of Danger by Microsoft did not bring flower results. The remaining executives from Danger are combined by Microsoft into Mobile Communication Business, from the Entertainment and Devices division.
Later, they were asked to inflate a phone known as Project Pink. The target, this phone should be a competitor iPhone and BlackBerry. According to ComputerWorld, Project Pink suffered classic disease in a large company. Because the project is quite prestigious, it is contested by several parties. And worse yet, its development is more deviated than desired. For example, the phone was originally developed on a Java base but was then asked to use the Microsoft operating system. Unfortunately, Windows Phone 7 that should be used for Project Pink, not ready. As a result, when launched, the phone that eventually named Microsoft Kin uses the Windows operating system for mobile phones "old". The cold market sentence made Kin finally had to close, just a few months since its launch. The fate of Sidekick's service, which Microsoft inherited from Danger, is also not very good. In one incident, which is still not known for sure what caused it, Sidekick customers suddenly lost all their data. One thing to note, all data on Sidekick is stored 'in the cloud' (in this case on Microsoft-managed servers and accessible via the Internet). Well, when the server was disturbed, all data of Sidekick users disappeared.

In early 2002, Rubin gave a lecture at Stanford on Sidekick development. Because, although sales Sidekick on the market did not explode, the device was considered quite good in terms of engineering. It is a coincidence that Larry Page and Sergei Brin, the founders of Google, were present in the lecture. After college, Page met Rubin to see Sidekick up close. Apparently, Page noticed, the device uses Google's search engine. "Cool," says Page. This is a point of departure for Page for an idea that in the next few years will come true, a Google phone. Approximately two years after that, Rubin had left Danger and tried to do new things. Including trying to enter the business of digital cameras before finally he founded Android.

Rubin incubated Android when he became an entrepreneur-in-residence with venture capital firm Redpoint Ventures in 2004. "Android started with one simple idea, providing a robust and open mobile platform that can drive innovation faster for customer profit," Rubin said. In July 2005, 22 months after Android was founded, the company was swallowed by the giant Google. Rubin also opted to join Google. When buying Android Inc., Google does not specify how much it will cost and what it will do with it. In fact, Google called the purchase as an acquisition of human and technological resources alone. In addition to Andy Rubin, Google is making a lot of brilliant people from Android. These include Andy McFadden (WebTV developer with Rubin, and also Moxi Digital developer); Richard Miner (former Vice President at Orange telecommunications company); and Chris White (founder of Android and WebTV display designer and interface). With Google, Android is given extra power. The company from Mountain View, California then formed the Open Handset Alliance to develop a device for Android.

"Google can not do everything. and we do not need it. That's why we established the Open Handset Alliance with more than 34 partners, "Rubin said. Android device that comes the market is not made by Google. Android heavyweight fighters including Motorola, Samsung, and HTC each throw their flagship Android phone into the market. "Just throwing the software is not enough," Rubin explains, "you need a handset developed for this software and network providers who want to market it." In the US, Motorola Droid is one of Verizon Wireless's weapons against AT & T with its iPhone. While Nexus One, Google's Android phone made by HTC, comes without "service ties" on one particular operator. The presence of Android seems beru¬saha shake the dominance of the mobile phone market in the US. In Indonesia, Android also seems ready to be excellent after appearing with excitement in Indonesia Celullar Show 2010. "I know there will be FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). However, we have seen some competitors follow what we do. So it seems, we are on the right path, "said Rubin.

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