Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Alert! Do Not Use Whatsapp Appointed Special Apps Like This

Currently there are several smartphone applications in circulation of course is very detrimental to the users and the developers of the smartphone application itself. Although already banned from the official smartphone app store, but now the application is still successfully promoting the application via the internet

One of them is Whatsapp plus. That seems to be the official development of whatsapp, but not at all. Whatsapp plus is just trying to override the official whatsapp app. Until now a small percentage of whatsapp users have been stricken to use whatsapp plus

Indeed, whatsapp plus offers features and features that are slightly tempting rather than whatsapp we generally use, but whatsapp plus does not get guaranteed data security users, your data may be given to the three without your knowledge.

If you use whatsapp plus, then your whatsapp account will be blocked for 24 hours for security reasons. However, there are also some websites that show whatsapp is currently anti-blocking

All of that may be true, but stay vigilant with the application application you just know. Even if you get the application from its official application

Okay, that's what he wrote. Look forward to other interesting articles from IT World

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