Friday, November 24, 2017

Boosted Black Friday, Founder of Amazon's Wealth Recorded Record!!

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos (left) explains the prototype of packet sending drone to Charlie Rose from CBS. - CBS

The largest founder and shareholder of Amazon as well as the richest man in the world today, Jeff Bezos increasingly reap the benefits of the celebration of Black Friday discount shopping day held this week.
Now, he became a record-breaking billionaire who has a total property that penetrated US $ 100 billion or approximately Rp1.350 trillion, assuming an exchange rate of Rp13,505 per US dollar.

That way, Bezos, 53, became the first billionaire to score 12-figure net worth since 1999 after Bill Gates achieved that year.

Quoted from Bloomberg, Saturday (25/11/2017), Bezos wealth boosted US $ 2.4 billion to US $ 100.3 billion driven by the increase in online retail stock by 2% due to optimism sales on black Friday.

On Friday the discount, data from Adobe Analytics stated that online purchases through Amazon climbed by 18.4% compared to last year. This prompted investors to bet that the company will take tremendous profits from online shopping during the holiday season.

Bezos' fortune alone rose to US $ 32.6 billion so far this year, making it one of the 500 richest people in the world with the highest increase in wealth on the basis of the Bloomberg Billionaire Index.

For the week alone, his wealth climbs as much as 5% or stands out alone. Seasonal stock sales are likely to further boost Amazon's shares and benefit itself, one of them to the space-based company Blue Origin LLC.

The attainment of Bezos' own wealth raises many questions about what the billionaire will do. As is known, Bezos has so far only engaged in charity activities on a small scale. He just expressed his desire to focus on philanthropy in recent times.

This is in contrast to Bill Gates, the world's second richest man whose fortune he passed in October and Warren Buffet, the world's third most massive rich man to contribute to charity. Gates and Buffet wealth is now directly behind Bezos, which amounted to US $ 86.8 billion and US $ 78.9 billion respectively.

According to Bloomberg Index, Bill Gates's net worth, the founder of Microsoft should be able to exceed US $ 150 billion if he did not share about 700 million shares of Microsoft and US $ 2.9 billion cash and assets for charity.EKi

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