Saturday, November 25, 2017

HomeTechnoTech News 5 Phases of Technology Advancement from Time to Time

Technology is like a human, he continues to grow and develop from 'baby' to 'adult'. But do you know that we live in an age where technology is evolving into the adult phase?

This exciting discovery was delivered through the 2017 AdAsia session entitled "Merge: Closing the Gap Between Humans and Technology" hosted by the PHD company.

The session outlines the fact that technology continues to grow in a more mature direction. Therefore, we must be prepared to accept major technological changes in the near future.

"The way we access (technology) is constantly changing over time, the smartphones can change into smart glasses, smart glasses can change to smart lenses, smart lenses can change to biological implant lenses.Whatever the shape, this goal remains: keeps us connected to technology anywhere and anytime, "says Chris Stephenson, Head of Strategy and Planning at PHD Asia Pacific.

Chris explains, within two decades the technology will take many more forms from now. In fact, it could be present in the human brain.

"The machine will be more intelligent, artificial intelligence will be here and there, until finally we reach the point where technology and humanity really merge into one core," he explained.

This man graduated from Durham University also reveals the timeline of technological development from time to time. There are five predicted phases of technology, until finally he will join the human more or less within 33 years. Here's the full explanation.

Fase I - Surfacing (1950-1995)

In the first phase, humans are introduced through technology in the simplest way. In the 1980s, Personal Computer emerged. By the early 1990s, internet adoption began to spread. Users of this early adopter  also take advantage of internet access to access more information.

Fase II - Organizing (1990-2015)

The phase just ended in 2015 ago. This phase is the phase where the access technology 'set' ( organize ) information from the Internet and makes it accessible globally and universally valuable. Thus, the presence of smartphones , devices that offer access faster and easier, and closer users.

Fase III - Extracting (2010-2025)

When phase II takes place, the third phase also occurs in early 2010. The difference, the phase plays an important role in the process of combining technology with humans. "This era represents the maturation of websites, search engines are smarter, smartphone penetration is widespread, connectivity is faster and superior in many regions of the world," Chris said.

"In this phase too, there is a dramatic development of machine learning.Here , humans not only regulate access to information, but also extract new meanings from the expansion of the technology itself, they are familiar with operating systems, smart devices, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence ( AI, Artificial Intelligence) and virtual assistants, "he continued.

Fase IV - Anticipating (2020-2035)

By 2020, a new phase emerges where technological expansion becomes a manifestation of ideas that have a major impact. In this phase, artificial intelligence and deep learning get better, technology begins to 'understand' what humans want in context.

"Virtual assistants, chatbots, will take more roles in this phase," said Chris.

Fase V - Elevating (2030-2050)

The phase that Chris claims as the final phase of the technological and human integration process. In that phase, artificial intelligence changes the way humans do their daily activities. Artificial intelligence will also have a human-like sense, it can work with the human brain.

"There will be many inventions of technology innovation based on artificial intelligence, their role will be bigger, they can blend with human soul and body, even human beings can upload their mind to cloud , so much more, so human experience will increase to the next stage" Chris concluded.


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