Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Like Humans, Robots Can Penetrate "Captcha" Code

Completely Automated Public Turing Test or better known as " Captcha " is a security system that aims to ward off cyberattacks by computer programs ( bot ) automatically, such as to prevent spamming .

Captcha is a puzzle that can only be solved by humans. The shape can vary as a picture or sound. Usually only humans can solve Captcha so it can be distinguished from bots, but not anymore.

A California technology company named Vicarious has developed artificial intelligence ( Artificial Intelligence , AI ) capable of penetrating the Captcha puzzle with computer vision (the introduction of objects by computer). In other words, the robot program is capable of disguise as a human being.  

"As computer vision improves, traditional text-based Captcha systems no longer offer the same protection," said Miguel Lazaro Gredilla of Vicarious.
AI made by Vicarious can solve Captcha by imitating the workings of the human brain in terms of recognizing objects, even those that are distorted or blocked by other objects.

Instead of relying on neural networks that require large resources and a lot of "training" in the form of images to teach computers how to recognize objects, for AI bikinanya, Vicarious applying recognition techniques based on "contour continuity" aka see the edge of the object to recognize the object referred.

This human-like work is more effective and efficient than the neural networkin terms of recognizing Captcha puzzles, in addition to more power-efficient processing.

"Modern AI systems like IBM Watson and deep neural networks typically rely on large computing power connected to large databases as well," said Vicarious founder Scott Phoenix in a statement . "This is the first time (AI can replicate) the reasoning of human perception, then the use of resources and databases is relatively small."

Vicarious has actually developed this AI since 2013, but only recently published it. At that time, AI Vicarious able to penetrate Captcha used by Google, PayPal, Yahoo, and Captcha.com with 90 percent accuracy rate.

Various online services are now updating their respective Captcha system, but AI Vicarious is still able to penetrate it with a level of accuracy in the range of 60 percent.

Trend Micro Europe security researcher Simon Edwards said the AI ​​made by Vicarious would have major implications for Captcha's security.
"There may not have been an attack on Captcha yet, but in three or four months, whatever the researcher does (Vicarious) will become mainstream , so Captcha is just counting the days," Edwards said.

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