Tuesday, November 7, 2017

US Supreme Court Rejects Samsung Appeal to Apple

US Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court rejected the appeal from Samsung related to various patents. One of them is the patent feature of "slide-to-unlock" or "unlock device with sweep movement on screen".

The US Supreme Court ruling made Samsung unhappy. Meanwhile, Apple still has not voiced the rejection of the appeal.

Samsung considers that the court is not fair. They consider the decision to benefit Apple unilaterally because Apple's patents are considered invalid.

"Our argument is supported by many who believe that the court should listen to the case to restore a fair standard that encourages innovation and prevents abuse of the patent system," Samsung's representative said.

By 2014, the court has actually won Apple for the patent. Samsung was found guilty of using a slide-to-unlock feature without permission from Apple. At that time, the US court has granted Apple's demand against Samsung.

Apple is said to be the official owner of the patent. Therefore, the US court fined Samsung for 119.6 million US dollars, or about Rp 1.6 trillion.

Samsung does not accept the results of a US court decision. The company was finally appealed. Now, three years later, the case is over because the highest court in the US has rejected the appeal. 

The completion of this case does not mean the case of seizing a patent between Apple and Samsung is completely over. Both still have some more patent battles in court.

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