Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Powerful! How to Strengthen the Smartphone Signal

Here are some tricks you can do if you can hard to signal at home.

Open the window

The closed window of the house will certainly block the incoming signal, the signal can not enter when blocked objects such as glass, Wall, metal or the other.


Open your window to make it easier to enter the signal into the house, or use a smartphone near the window will of course help strengthen your signal.

Charging the Battery

The battery power also affects your signal strength, when the percentage of the battery is below usually about 20% down, the smartphone will activate Battery saving mode, it will disconnect while your signal to keep the battery lasts.


Make sure you charge the battery if you want to get a stable signal.

Airplane Mode

This one has proved successful, because when the airplane mode is active, the network connection will be disconnected instantly, then when disabled the connection will automatically refresh.

The way is quite easy just by switching the airplane mode about 5 seconds, then turn it off, auto smartphone will refresh the signal connection.

Do not Close the Smartphone Antenna

This can happen if we use Case made from metal or iron.

With so the closed antenna case will hard to receive the signal, the easiest way iyalah smart choose case or do not use case so maximum signal reception.

Changing Provider

Some Providers do have weaknesses in the network, in certain areas we can get a strong signal. or on the contrary sometimes we are very difficult to get a signal.

To fix this try changing provider that has wide area coverage. make sure your home area is getting a good signal.

That's some tricks you can do to strengthen your smartphone signal, may be useful.

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