Friday, December 1, 2017

For Security, the Amazon Drawer Drone will be destroyed in the Air when Damaged

Site giant online sale, Amazon, apparently will soon issue a freight service by using drones.

The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is currently thinking about how safest steps should be taken by Amazon to use this most popular technology as part of their operations.

Amazon claims to have done a test that can destroy the drone when damaged in the air. So as to minimize the impact of accidents for humans, animals, or any object underneath.

The destruction of the delivery drones can be due to bad weather, software malfunction, or deliberate damage such as stoning, and the possibility of multi-copter will fall to the ground with an impact around where it fell.

The idea is described in a patent granted this week by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (FAA) under the heading "Direct fragmentation for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)." The contents of the document explaining how a damaged drone can release (unload) itself in the sky after seeing the situation on land.

"The sequence of fragmentation includes the release time and the location of the fragment release, some UAV components will be released if the flight operation UJ experience constraints," Amazon said as quoted Digitaltrends, Wednesday (29/11).

In the patent document, the conditions that may cause problems for drones are hot, cold, wind, rain, unexpected hail, or other meteorological conditions.

It is expected to affect drone rotor systems, flight control computers, flight sensors, or other components that may result in the drone system not working properly.

The patent document filed by Amazon since 2016 also explains that component release systems may include mechanisms of attachment such as clips, latches and hooks to recombine.

The sequence of fragmentation releases will occur automatically, and it depends on which components of the drones are removed. Due to the weight, speed and other factors associated with the UAV can be changed.

This explains that the drone is actually not completely destroyed, but under certain conditions the drone will release a problematic component that causes it to not fly or land safely.

No one knows whether the idea of ​​Amazon's property can be realized perfectly or not. But the idea is interestingly discussed about how technology experts can overcome the enormous challenges that lie ahead.

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