Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Inventor of Zero (0) - Al Khawarizmi

History of Zero and Its Scores - The number zero turns out to be a discoverer. Before we discuss more deeply about the inventor of this zero, do you know where it came from? This zero is found by a Middle East origin, who is none other than a genius of the people or religion of a million people, namely Islam. We know that many inventors of technology from the West or from eg Britain, Europe, and others. But the inventors of the West will never find his discovery if no Middle Eastern Muslim with the inventor of this zero, he is none other than Al Khawarizmi. Do you know the Leonardo Fibonacci mathematician? He was a famous mathematician throughout history, but he would not be a mathematician if there was no Al Khawarizmi.

Al Khawarizmi Inventor of Zero

In addition to experts in the field of mathematics, Al Khawarizmi who later settled in Qutrubulli is also a geographer, historian, and also an artist. Al Khawarizmi's work on mathematics is recorded in Kitabul Jama wat Tafriq and Hisab Al-Jabar wal Muqabla. San inventor zero and also algebra that has a long name of Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi found zero (zero) is very useful for us and even very useful for scientists.

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In addition to finding zeros, Muhammad ibn Musa Al Khawarizmi has also been instrumental in the geometry of sinus and tanget functions, linear and quadratic equations and calculation of integration (integral calculus). The angle measurement table (Table Sinus and Tangent) is the reference table for the current angle.

Al Khawarizmi and Zero Numbers

Very meritorious is not Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi this? If none of Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi is present, surely the children who do not like Mathematics will be stupid as long as he is. And also there will be no Mathematics teacher, the mathematical scientist in this world, the importance of the zero is very important.

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