Monday, December 4, 2017

Sony's First Product Is Not Smartphone! It's It!

Sony is one of the most technological producers that has produced a lot of goods that simplify human life. Without us aware of the goods around us often we meet goods brand sony. Starting from TV, playstation, camera, mobile phone and more.

In recent years sony has been focusing its attention on the activities of producing smartphones, as we know smartphone technology is growing rapidly in the last 10 years. Many of the emergence of competitors in the field of smartphones make sony more vigorous in terms of innovation.

Before the famous in the field of smartphones we have already known the Sony Walkman. Surely the Walkman is no stranger to us, yep of course it is a music player that can be taken anywhere. Walkman is a fairly legendary goods in its glorious period. But did you know that the first production of sony is not a walkman, but a rice cooker or rice cooker!

Quoted from the page (07/11/2017), Sony's first product is an electric rice cooker made in the late 1940s. Electric rice cookers, made only with interconnected aluminum electrodes connected to the bottom of a wooden tub, this is the discovery of a primitive product.

Apparently a tech giant like sony, the first item in his production is not a camera, TV, or mobile phone but a rice cooker! quite surprising is not it.

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