Thursday, December 28, 2017

The 5 Most Dangerous Towns in the World Due to Technological Advancement

There are so many beautiful and peaceful cities around the world. But apparently, there are some cities dubbed with the most dangerous city in the world. Some people may think that the city is dangerous because of the natural phenomenon that occurs. However, the dangerous city is caused by human activities that destroy it.

Several cities in the world have been damaged an event that has befallen him. Be uninhabited because people choose to leave the city. As is the case in some cities of the world, it is abandoned because people feel insecure and all of it threatens its existence.

1. Picher, Oklahoma

During World War I in 1914, tin mining was discovered in the town of Picher. Finally, the city became one of the largest tin exporters in the world. Unfortunately, this mining contains toxins that are very harmful to the surrounding population.

After mining stopped in the 1970s, there were 178 million tons of garbage piled up around the city. By 2015, more than 1,000 birds are found dead in Picher Town due to factory waste poisoning. The government also urged residents to leave the city .

2. Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands Republic

In 1946, the United States government detonated a nuclear bomb in the Marshall Islands. Only in the late 1970s, began to see some side effects of the resulting radiation. Among them, many women experience miscarriages, babies who die after birth, and birth defects.

They also have cancer. Scientists found radiation levels so high in the city. So Bikini Atoll people are required to leave town.

3. Geamana, Romania

In 1977, Nicolae Ceausescu, a Romanian dictator ordered to dispose of copper mining waste to the town of Geamana. Four hundred households were evacuated and moved elsewhere because of where they had turned into a lake contaminated with mining waste.

The lake turns red because of the chemicals contained in it. Like cadmium that can damage the liver, kidneys, and lungs.

4. New Idria, California

New Idria was founded in 1854 near a millennium mill in the country. However, mining closed in 1971, and the City of New Idria was abandoned by its citizens.

The underground tunnel was leaking to contaminate the local river with mercury. So the person who eats the fish will be aging if taking the fish from the river. The effects experienced are headache, tingling, damage to the brain and nervous system.

5. Bento Rodrigues, Brazil

Bento Rodrigues is located near the mining of iron ore. Mining waste is dumped into nearby lakes, so dams are built to protect the city from polluted water. By 2015, the dam collapsed. Thirty-five million liters of toxic water flooded and devastated the city.

One of the UN envoy organizations found high levels of toxic metals and chemicals in the city. It takes at least 10 to 50 years for the environment to be clean again. Therefore, city residents are required to move from the city terebut.

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