Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Invention of The Theory of Relativity By Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein's most influential scientist on earth. He is a scientist who is considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century thanks to his thoughts.

His greatest contribution to science is his well-known theory of relativity and his famous formula is E = mc² which from the formula makes America able to create atomic bombs and defeat japan. Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in Ulm, the Kingdom of Wurttemberg, the German Empire.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was the first child of the couple Hermann Einstein and Pauline, Einstein looked different from other children around him because of the autism he had suffered.

With slow progress, he is less able to get along with his peers. When school Albert Einstein known as a figure who is considered stupid, like to oppose the order and look shy.

At the age of five a compass sac was shown to him by his father, where Einstein began to ask why the needle always pointed north and south? Until he realizes that in this "empty" space it acts against a compass needle.

At the age of 12 Albert Einstein began to deepen his interest in mathematics. In 1896 Albert Einstein earned a diploma, then he has a determination to continue studying in college.

But at that time Einstein did not pass the entrance exam to college, the following year he took the exam again and finally get admitted to the Eidgenossiche Techniche Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Zurich.

Entering college the nature of laziness still has not changed, he often did not follow the lecture but he always persevered alone to learn the theory of physics he loved.

In 1985 until 1905 Albert Einstetin always conducted research on Special Theory of Relativity. Thanks to his discovery in 1905 he earned a doctorate with a thesis entitled On a New Determination of Molecular Dimensions at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.

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In 1912 Albert Einsten taught at the University of Germany in Prague until then in 1913 he was appointed Director of the Institute of Physics of the Emperor Wilhlem in Berlin, Germany.

In his journey he continued to develop his research to be able to find the Theory of General Relativity in 1915.

What is the Theory of Relativity?

The theory of relativity proposed by Albert Einstein is a term for a collection of two theories of physics namely "general relativity" and "special relativity".

This theory was invented by Einstein to explain that electromagnetic waves do not fit the Newtonian movement theory.

At a constant speed, the electromagnetic waves can move without the movement of the observer.

The point is that although the contents of the laws of physics look the same, it is actually that two observers moving relative to each will get different time and space interval for the same event.

Special Relativity

Special relativity is a theory of space-time structure, the theory was introduced by Albert Einstein in 1905.

This theory explains that if two observers are in an inert frame of motion and are moving at a relatively similar speed with other observers, then both observers can not experiment whether they are in a position of motion or silence.

One thing for example is when a person is on a speeding submarine, then one can not tell whether the submarine is still or moving.

... Learn from the past, live for the future. The important thing is not to stop asking . - Albert Einstein

General Relativity

General relativity is a theory of geometry about gravity introduced by Einstein. This theory explains the latest gravity in modern physics. In this theory it is explained that seeing gravity is not as a force, but rather seen as a manifestation of the curvature of a space and time.

Many seem to differ on the predictions of general relativity with the predictions of classical physics, and predominant predictions about the geometry of space, the motion of free falling objects, the passage of time and the propagation of light.

All predictions of general theory of realism have been confirmed in experiments and various observations of physics. Although this theory is not the only theory of relativistic gravity, it is the simplest and most consistent theory with experimental data.

Formula-emc2His discovery of the theory of relativity is the theory that is considered the greatest in all time. The formula E = MC² is the formula used to study the universe. Where E = energy, m = mass, and c = the speed of light.

Nevertheless, there are still many questions that may not be answered until now. There is also a fundamental question in which general relativity can be combined with laws in quantum physics in order to create a complete theory of quantum gravity and self-consistency.

The following is a brief review of the essence of the Discovery History Theory of Relativity By Albert Einstein may be useful and add insight for us all.

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