Thursday, December 28, 2017

Inventor of Tank - Sir Ernest Swinton

This article will discuss the discovery of a Tank which is an armored vehicle that has a cannon or missile as an armament and uses an iron chain treadmill as its wheels.

Tanks are armored vehicles used by the military or most widely used when the war is bulletproof. Today's tanks are becoming more sophisticated, many new technologies are being applied into tanks like weapons systems and other military technologies.

Sir Ernest Swinton

Tanks also have a powerful destructive force when used in war in addition to having strong perlingdungan against bullets or bombs. inventor of the tank vehicle Sir Ernest Swinton.

Major General Sri Ernest Swinton Dunlop, born in Bangalore, India, on October 21, 1868. Swinton is a British Army officer and tank inventor.
Swinton was assigned to influence the development and use of tanks during the First World War by the British. besides, he is famous for the term often spoken, that there is no human soil.

The discovery of an armored vehicle or Tank began when he got the idea of ​​making a tank on October 19, 1914, while he was driving his car in France. Previously, he got a letter from one of his friends named Hugh Merriot, he is an Engineer who lives in South Africa.

In the letter Merriot asked Swinton to come to South Africa to discuss the possibility of a steel-coated tractor very useful in the war.

Benjamin Holt of Holt Manufacturing Company purchased a track chain patent, a track-type tractor from Richard Hornsby & Sons in 1914. During World War I, the British war office ordered the Holt tractor to be used in the war.

Major Swinton was sent to France as an army war correspondent, where he saw a Holt tractor used to carry their needs in war.

In 1914 Swinton was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, he appointed Lord kitchener as war correspondent on the western border. Swinton began to worry that the infantry were killed in gunfire, so he ordered to fight the trench method.

When he saw the Holt tractor, he had the idea of ​​making a tank. So he immediately wrote a memo explaining the advantages of the tank, the memo addressed to Maurice Tipu, the Secretary of War Council in London.

After receiving the memo, Maurice was very interested in Swinton's idea. Subsequently the memo was sent by Winston Churchill, the Minister of the Navy. Churchill along with Lloyd supported the idea and formed the Landships Committee to design and model the tank vehicle.

First Model Tank

The navy was deployed to issue a steel-coated car squad to protect the naval airfield in Belgium, to test a tank vehicle that emerged as a proliferation of armored cars.

After the test is successful, the prototype tank is produced directly complete with weapons to fight. This prototype tank vehicle began to be used in the war in September 1916.

In 1918, Swinton retired and served as the Controller of the Department of Civil Aviation Information at the Ministry of Water until 1921. In 1922, he served as director of the Citroen company.

In 1925, he returned to Swinton academics and became Professor of Military History at Oxford University. In 1934, he became Colonel Commander of the Royal Tank Corps. Swinton died on January 15, 1951. Thus the explanation of the history of the tank's inventor - Sir Ernest Swinton. Hope can inspire us all.

1 comment:

  1. It is complete nonsense to claim that Swinton invented the tank. He did no such thing. Winston Churchill set up a committee to supervise the creation of armoured vehicles, and the first British tanks were designed by Walter Wilson and William Tritton. Swinton failed to interest anyone in his vague idea, and he didn't design or draw anything at all. He didn't even know the prototypes has been built until he was told about them 6 months later. The only reason Swinton is mistakenly credited with inventing the tank is that he spent the rest of his life claiming to have done so. What's more: the French built tanks at the same time, without Swinton's knowledge.


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