Tuesday, November 7, 2017

7 Google Technology Will Change the World

Alphabet technology giant or better known as Google , does have the power to change the world through a number of innovations.

Based in Mountain View, California, United States, Google is apparently not just a search engine that helps millions of internet users . Through his business children, Alphabet is rumored to delay a person's death.

1. Project Loon

Google's aircraft technology or better known as Project Loon. It is an ambitious Google project to deploy internet access to the world, especially for unreachable areas.

This air balloon is planned to be flown with a height between 60,000 to 90,000 feet above the ground or two times higher than the plane.

Powered by solar power, making this air balloon capable of flying nonstop up to 100 days. Well, when flying, this balloon will send fast internet signal LTE to the areas in its path.

2. Project Titan

If the previous Project Loon used a hot air balloon to spread the internet around the world, then in Project Titan, Google uses drones or aircraft to spread internet network.

Drone  named Titan Aerospace Solara 50 is reportedly able to fly up to 5 years nonstop . This can be done thanks to solar energy absorbed through solar  panels installed throughout the wingspan. According to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, when both flights are running, Google can spread the internet fast to 4 billion people in the world.

3. Cancer Detection

Pill The cancer detection pill is examined by Alphabet subsidiary named Google X. Currently, the research team develops magnetic particles that can be attached to cells, proteins, or other molecules.

Not only that, Google X also developed wearable devices that will use magnets to count the particles. With this system, users will get notification or early warning when detected cancer cells in the body.

4. Car Otonomos

The presence of autonomos cars or cars that can run without this driver is believed to save millions of people in the world. Why? According to data, as many as 1.24 million people worldwide died from car accidents each year.

Word got out that Google's autonomos cars will also be leased as well as a taxi fleet.

With the autonomos car , Google assume can reduce the number of accidents on the road. According to a survey from Eno Center for Transportation, if 90 percent of cars on the road are autonomous cars, the number of accidents in the United States will drop from 6 million to 1.3 million per year.

5. Eat Power

Eat Power is a project run by Alphabet's Google X division. Eat Power makes kites that can create renewable energy.

This energy kite is actually a plane equipped with a rotor. This rotor will help lift the kite from the ground and fly it. When flying, the rotor attached will turn into a turbine.

With this device Makani Power, Google claims to produce 50 percent more energy than traditional turbines, and 90 percent more power-efficient.

6. Run by Calico

Companies under Google, Calico or California Life Company are now doing research on genes. With this research, Google hopes to extend the life of someone.

Unfortunately until now not too much information circulating about what is actually being done by Calico this.

7. Artificial Intelligence

Ever heard of Go world game champion defeated by the artificial intelligence of Google  named AlphaGo? Well, if research on artificial intelligence continues to continue, it is not impossible the future of the world will change, of course be better.

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