Thursday, November 16, 2017

HomeTechnoTech News Mark Zuckerberg Assessed Have Spectacular Adaptation Capabilities

Founder of LinkedIn well as investors, Reid Hoffman, is one of the people who see the transformation of Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook is not popular to become the Internet giant it is today. He saw Zuckerberg have a very amazing development as a young entrepreneur.

Hoffman's statement was delivered in a clip of Business Insider podcast titled "Success! How I Did It". Hoffman himself is one of Facebook's initial investors.

"One of the joys of working with Mark (Zuckerberg) from the early days to the present day is that he really shows the spectacular development of knowledge and adaptation, which I have seen in a young entrepreneur up to now is an experienced and highly capable CEO," Hoffman .

Hoffman met Zuckerberg in 2004, when he sought investment for "The Facebook" -the initial name of Facebook-and did not have any investors yet. Hoffman claimed to be interested in the service, but because it is taking care of its own growing social network, he does not want to be a major investor. Therefore, Hoffman contacted his friend and colleague Peter Thiel and arranged a meeting with Zuckerberg .

Thiel who is one of the founders of PayPal is the first investor Facebook. The social network received Thiel's first investment in June 2004. Later in 2005, the company removed the "the" from its name after purchasing the domain name worth US $ 200,000.

Nostalgia Early Mark Zuckerberg

In a podcast episode , "Master of Scale", Hoffman and Thiel pernha tell an old story of their encounter with Zuckerberg. Both joked about the difficulty of communicating with Zuckerberg at the time.

Zuckerberg's current and former figure is quite different. "He is now very good at expressing his opinion, but there was a moment when he looked at the table without speaking," Hoffman said.

She and Thiel felt Zuckerberg's attitude at that moment caught their attention. Moreover, at that time Zuckeberg also "promoted" his file transfer service, Wirehog, just in case if they do not like Facebook.

Over time, there have been many changes in Zuckerberg, but according to Hoffman, his visionary intelligence never changes.

He praised Zuckerberg's evolution of his excellent adaptability, plus the " true north " leadership passion . According to US businessman and academic explanation, Bill George, the true north is a point of adjustment that helps itself to stay on track as a leader.

"I learned a lot from what he did," Hoffman said of the husband of Priscilla Chan.

A leader

Hoffman's assessment is in line with former employees of Facebook, Antonio Garcia Martinez, who helped see the development of Zuckerberg became a leader.

Martinez says most of the outsiders do not understand that it develops with a lot of leadership skills, rather than being very different than ever before.

Martinez rate Zuckerberg is actually a very alpha male and dominant figure . Even a mocker like himself admits Zuckerberg really believes his mission to connect the world. Facebook's development essentially forced Zuckerberg to overcome some of his awkward trends.

Zuckerberg with his success developed Facebook as a valuable company in the world, while making him one of the most influential people in the world. Similarly, as quoted from Business Insider , Friday (17/11/2017).

Along the way as an entrepreneur, Zuckerberg managed to evolve into a confident leader.

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