Saturday, November 25, 2017

Rippled Technology, The Oldest Postcard UK Bankrupt Company

The development of increasingly cutting-edge technology gives widespread influence to various fields. One of them is the emergence of a variety of new technology products that can further alleviate the work of the community.

Not infrequently the technology also changes the lifestyle of society. As a result, some companies that once had great success now have to go out of business.

The largest British postcard maker, for example. Named J Salmon, the company that has been around since 1880 will be closed in December 2017.

The reason is simple. The development of technology and social media has unwittingly made the habit of writing and sending postcards increasingly marginalized.

Quoting theguardian , Wednesday (27/09/2017), the growing technology makes people more use social media such as instagram and whatsapp to send a message. This ultimately has a major impact on the postcard industry.

In addition, managers J Salmon, brothers Charles and Harry Salmon say, many people who currently tend to take a few more vacations. That is, they tend to go home faster before their postcards arrive.

"Increasing challenging trading conditions and changes in the environment and market size have had an impact on the uncertainty related to the sustainability of this business," said the company's fifth generation.

Postcard sales reportedly dropped dramatically from 20 million sheets in 25 years ago, to just 5 million by 2017.


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