Monday, November 27, 2017

For 148 Days Pokemon GO Losing US Citizens USD7, 3 Billion

Pokemon game GO scientifically can indeed damage the life of his players. This is evident in scientific research conducted a college in the United States (US).

According to researchers from Purdue University, in the US the damage caused by drivers who play GO Pokemon while driving ranged from USD2-7.3 billion in the first 148 days after the game was launched. That number includes two fatalities that occurred when the driver was playing Pokemon GO.

The statistics were based on detailed accident reports for Tippecanoe County, Indiana, USA. Financial losses there reach USD5, 2-25, 5 million. When the figure is extrapolated to cover the entire US, the number of losses soared to $ 7.3 billion.

The report titled "Death by Pokemon GO" blamed the game for a 47% accident rate in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. From an increase of 286 car accidents that occurred in the first 148 days after the launch of this game, 134 of which occurred near PokeStops. From the data, the authors blame the Pokemon GO for the increase in frequency of accidents.

Report authors acknowledge that an increase in accidents near PokeStops may be due to an increase in traffic in this area due to the popularity of the game. It also has nothing to do with those who play games while driving.

However tests performed using Pokeman GO Gyms as a "placebo" came to the conclusion that the increase in damage was caused by an increase in Pokemon GO players using their phones while being behind the wheel. Hopefully, the sharp decline in the number of game players since the first wave if the crash also resulted in fewer drivers focusing on AR action on their smartphone screen compared to real life seen through the windshield of a car.

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