Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Electric Inventor - Michael Faraday

Currently electricity is already the most important need for mankind. With electricity all human activities can be easily done. Electricity is one of the energy that can be said to control the livelihood of many people because its benefits are very important.

The inventor of electricity was Michael Faraday and thanks to his invention, he was later dubbed the 'Father of Electricity'. Michael Faraday is known as a scientist who learned many things. But the man who was born on September 22, 1791 in England is more concerned with the field of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

Electrical Discovery History by Maichael Faraday

Michael Faraday Electric InventorActually electricity has become a phenomenon since ancient Greece. This is known when a Greek intellectual named Thales discovered a unique phenomenon when the rubbed amber was able to pull a feather. This he then wrote in his notes.

From this it is then led to many theories about electricity that many put forward by scientists such as Ampere, Faraday, Coulomb and Joseph Priestley. Among these names, Michael Faraday has the greatest contribution to electricity and electromagnetism.

Famous Michael Faraday's name as 'Father of Electricity' began when he made his first experiment using 7 coins which he then piled with 7 pieces of zinc and 6 sheets of paper dampened with salt water.

This he did follow the Volta fertilizer construction when it first discovered the beterai. From this faraday experiment then decompose magnesium sulphate. Subsequently, in 1821, Christian Orsted published a journal about the phenomenon of electromagnetism.

From that it then made Faraday try to do further research from Orsted publication. Faraday then made a device that could then produce an 'Electromagnetic Rotation' which was the forerunner of the discovery of electricity by Faraday. The tool that Faraday created was named Homopolar Motor.

First Dynamo ElectricCreating Homopolar Motor To Find Electric Flow

In the tool created by Faraday this happens a continuous spinning motion, this movement is generated from the force of the magnetic circle that surrounds the long wire up into the mercury solution and inside the solution there is already a magnet.

So that the wire will continue to spin if the electricity that comes from a battery. The discovery of Faraday is then the foundation of the current electromagnetic technology.

From that experiment he discovered a first electric motor in the world that uses electricity as a driving force.

The peak of the invention of the electric field by Faraday when he made the experiment by wrapping two separate wire coils and he then discovered what was known as the reciprocal induction, the magnet passed by a piece of wire, then the electric current went into the wire, which then the magnet was running.

From here he then made a conclusion that ' Changes in magnetic fields can produce an electric field '. James Clerk Maxmel then made his mathematical formulas and came to be known as Faraday's Law.

The only thing I need is time, it would be great if I can afford to buy wasted time. - Michael Faraday

Faraday's brilliance in making great discoveries can not be separated from a figure named Humphry Davy who is his mentor who guided Michael Faraday in his laboratory. He also invited Faraday to travel around Europe to increase their knowledge both technically and theoretically.

Under the guidance of Davy, Michael Faraday made a lot of new discoveries that are useful for humans in the field of electricity.

Michael Faraday himself died on August 25, 1867. To commemorate his services in the field of electricity, his name and then immortalized in a unit in physics is a unit of capacistansi with symbol (F) or Faraday.

Hopefully this information can be useful.

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