Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Live Streaming Instagram Now Can Collaborate with Friends

Since being acquired by Facebook a few years ago, Instagram continues to improve by adding new features like Instagram Stories. Not only that, Instagram has also added the Live Broadcast feature. With the new features presented, the number of Instagram users continues to increase.

Not quite up there, Instagram this time adding new features on Live Events. As reported previously, finally Instagram now presents a collaboration feature when performing Live Events. So when you're on a Live Event, you can add one of your followers or friends to join you. If you are already connected to a friend, the Live Broadcast view will be split into two.

The shared broadcast can be viewed either by your followe, or the follower of the friends you invite to collaborate on the live broadcast feature. In addition, the status when you're on a live stream with your friends will appear in two stacked circles. While performing Live Events, you can still use the filter feature as usual. In addition, for guests or friends who invited live broadcasts can also end the seso broadcast in accordance with the wishes of each.

Previously this feature has been tested, where a number of Instagram users have the opportunity to enjoy the new features. Now, akirnya this feature has been available to all Instagram users around the world. To be able to enjoy this new feature, you must update the Instagram app to the latest version.

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