Sunday, November 12, 2017

Watch out! 3 This Disease Is Born Out of Technology!

Today, the development of technology is indeed more advanced. Everyone needs technology to make things go more smoothly. That way, every job will be easier to handle and do both team and individual.

But, behind the success of today's technological developments, do you know there are negative impacts that can be generated. One of the effects is the disease of technological development. Right, do you know what diseases can happen to you when using technology ?

This Is The Named Technology Disease Disease!

The common diseases that occur when you use technology occur when you use your computer and smartphone excessively. Approximately, what kind of developmental disease diseases that can befall the users of HP and computer huh?

1. Fear of Missing Out

Yes, one of the technological diseases that can happen is Fear of Missing Out or commonly abbreviated as FoMO . This illness is an anxiety condition that arises against a person because the person is thinking that somewhere else there is an interesting event or an ongoing happiness, and that person is not attending to it.

This will happen when you do not check social media applications on a regular basis so that such fears arise. Most, who suffer from this FoMO are women, where they are very hard not to hold the smartphone. Like there is less if not check social media on a regular basis. To treat it, you can read the article entitled 90% of Smartphone Users Suffer this 'Terrible' Disease .

2. Blood Circulation is Disturbed

This disease can happen if you sit too long. This is usually felt by professionals who work daily in front of the monitor while using the computer and rarely move the body. Therefore, your blood circulation can be disrupted.

This can happen because your calories just burn a little because of the frequency of sitting for long periods of time . In fact, other diseases that have higher levels of horror can occur as well, such as diabetes, weight gain, heart disease, cancer, and life expectancy decline.

3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Have you ever heard of a disease called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) ? Yes, if you know, this disease is actually very scary tablets. Because, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a disease that attacks the wrist. This is due to the depressed nerves.

Usually, this technological development diseases hit people who work very hard by relying on their hands and arms, like you who like to use the mouse and keyboard for a long time. To know how to prevent and heal it, you can read on CAUTION! 80% Computer Users in the World Threatened by this disease .

Well, that's 3 disease of technological development that can hit you. Have you ever felt one of them? Actually, there are still many diseases caused by technological developments. You can read it in BaBe app and open the Health category .

True, in that category, you can know all the developments about the health of the world that is always up-to-date or even know the list of diseases that exist in the world. In addition, you can also know the sophisticated tools that can cure malignant disease though. So , share this article to your friends so they can also understand about the negative impact of technology.

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