Thursday, January 4, 2018

What Technology Will Be Present in 2018?

Technological advancements give birth to more and more innovations that spring up every year. Predicted technology in the last year was proven by the development of virtual reality technology and on-demand services. Then what about the technology prediction that will be present in 2018?

Quoting from (3/1/2018), the following predictions list of technology trends that will be present in this year!

1. Smart Speakers Based on Artificial Intelligence


Smart speakers will be more developed this year. Previously, Amazon Alexa has launched smart speakers in 2017, but this trend will still continue in 2018 considering there will be more players who offer similar technology with a variety of new features.

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2. Artificial Intelligence


In 2018, artificial intelligence will be more present in products for consumers. In other words, more products will be able to recognize the habits of its customers, such as travel agents to social media. Also supported by the presence of autonomos vehicles, drones or robots.

3. Augmented Reality


Virtual reality (VR) is becoming a trend in 2017, and this time it's the turn of augmented reality (AR) that will grow rapidly in 2018. Seen from some big technology companies like Amazon and Apple who are working on AR-based smart sunglasses. In addition, IKEA's retail company also utilizes this technology to support sales.

4. Cryptocurrency


Cryptocurrency or digital currency will grow rapidly in 2018. James Altucher, a technology investor and venture capitalist, assesses cryptocurrency for example bitcoin, potentially replacing paper money for transactions. According to him, bitcoin can solve the problem of unlimited money printing, counterfeiting, double spending and anonymity.

5. Travel to Space


Space travel is now being ranted by companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin. SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk revealed that the plan of this mission will start at the end of next year. While Bob Smith, CEO of Blue Origin says his company is unlikely to offer this mission in the near future.

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