Thursday, January 4, 2018

16 Years Blind, This Man Can Finally Look At His Wife's Face!!!

Just imagine a person who just became a parent. Of course he felt the happiness and pride of the immeasurable. It can not wait to see the child grow and become a blessing to the world.

But there is one problem. We can not "watch" as the child grows. Because of a rare disease, it is legally blind ( legally blind ).

Probably forced to accept that maybe we'll never have a chance to stare at the baby. The bleak reality happens to many people, but fortunately there is hope now.
Quoted from on Wednesday (8/2/2017), technology continues to emerge and deliver progress that was previously thought would not be possible. New technologies give hope to many people with illness or disability.

Gene Purdie from Denver, Colorado, suffered from Stargardst's disease for 16 years. The horrible disease prevented Gene from seeing things in front of her vision. He can only see a little through the edge of his view.

He explained the vision was like looking at parts of the puzzle that still have to be compiled.

Gene met with Joy, his future wife, when he was already diagnosed with the rare disease. Therefore, he never clearly sees his lover. The couple then gets a baby boy that Gene can not see either.

Joy writes a letter to an event, The Rachael Ray Show , after watching a segment about a person with Stargardt's disease getting a chance to see again using electronic eyeglasses . He hopes Gene also get the prize.
Thanks to the help of technology, a man who was blind for 16 years because of a rare disease can re-see. (Source of Facebook / Sharon Purdie)

The next event is touching. When the glasses were attached to Gene's head, he immediately looked around. The glasses are connected to the big screen, so viewers can see what Gene sees through the electronic lenses.

When his gaze arrives at Joy, Gene can not hold his praise, "It's pretty." The husband and father then held back tears when they saw their wife and baby boy.

Gene then tried to find her parents in the crowd. It's been 16 years since he saw them and finally he can see them again.

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