Thursday, January 4, 2018

First Smartphone with Thermometer Will Be Released Soon?

South Korean technology company CrucialTec recently launched a micro-size thermometer sensor module that can be installed in smartphones .

Based on the Korean Herald report , the device is capable of measuring one's body temperature within 0.5 seconds using applications connected to the smartphone .

So far it is already a lot of smartphone applications that claim to run the body thermometer function, although so the ability is still a  gimmick alone.

Quoted from Gizmochina , Tuesday (28/11/2017), module thermometer that dibesut using microelectromechanical system which is integrated and named i-MEMS.

With this module, the device will be able to measure human body temperature or other objects that have temperatures between -40 to 200 degrees Celsius.

It does not say whether the module is capable of measuring animal body temperature. However, since the animal's temperature is within a measurable temperature range, the animal's body temperature may also be measured by the module.

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Also mentioned, the heat on the smartphone itself will not interfere with the measurements of temperature on the human body or objects that are measured. The thermometer sensor is attached to the inside of the smartphone and out through the module in the rear cover.

Without Direct Contact

Interestingly, this technology is made without contact. That is, users or objects do not need to make direct physical contact with the sensor to be read temperature.

This method is said to be able to reduce the risk of infection or transmission, as long as it can happen to other thermometers.

Thermometer module placed in smartphone enables smartphone to measure human body temperature (Source: Korea Herald)

Unfortunately, there has been no indication of when this thermometer technology will be applied to smartphones . Could this technology be present in Samsung's latest smartphone flagship ?

Could be, after the thermometer in the smartphone so the trend, this feature can be present in various types of smartphones , whether expensive or cheap though.

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