Thursday, January 4, 2018

In addition to Bill Gates, These 3 Figures of Technology are Changing the World

The presence of technology that changes the world can not be separated from the great people behind him.

Call it the name of Bill Gates, known as the founder of Microsoft, computer software used worldwide. In addition to Gates, there are some technological creators who change the world.

Here are three tech figures whose findings are still in use today and change the world. Anyone?

1. Tim Berners-Lee 

Internet users must know the world wide web ( www). Through www , we can connect, exchange information with anyone, anywhere, and whenever the internet network can be accessed. Well, www found by a famous programmer from London, Tim Berners-Lee.

The man born June 8, 1955 has a series of titles he obtained because of his work in the world of science, information, and technology. Tim Berners-Lee's intersection with the intenet began when he became a scientist at the center of the European Nuclear Research Organization (CERN).

At that time, until 1989, the internet can only be accessed by certain parties. In addition, the coverage was narrow, there is no concept that mengkoneksikan many people on the internet media.

Tim Berners-Lee (

He also feels there is not optimal with the use of the Internet which he thinks has great potential as a medium of information sharing.

He was not satisfied because the only way to communicate on the internet at that time is via email . Hence, Lee with two of his friends Vannevar Bush and Douglas Engelbart began pioneering the concept of the World Wide Web .

The first thing to do is to design the language of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) program that makes a data can be distributed to many computers. Then, he created Text Markup Languange (HTML) as the foundation of a website page .

"I just tried to take Hypertext idea and connect it with Transmission Control Protocol then with domain system ideas, and finally, ta-da! Created World Wide Web ," Lee said when interviewed by website.

Despite having a major contribution to the development of the world of technology and changing the world, Lee did not make his creation as a granary of financial gain. It does not even register patents www . This concept is free to use and utilized by anyone.

2. Steve Jobs

Apple smartphone presence can not be separated from Steve Jobs, founder and former CEO of Apple. Originally in the late 1970s, Jobs along with other Apple founders Steve Wozniak designed, developed and marketed one of Apple's first line of computers, the Apple II.

Steve Jobs (

He had time to withdraw from Apple and set up a computer platform development company , Next. The company then bought Apple and made it back to Apple. Then, in 1997, he was named CEO of Apple until 2011.

Under the leadership of Jobs, in 2007 surprisingly Apple decided to play in the segment of the phone that was controlled by Nokia. They also released the first smartphone named iPhone.

At first iPhone was in doubt, but gradually even Apple and Steve Jobs received a myriad of praise thanks to the iPhone. The product is regarded as a revolution in the world of mobile phones.

Apple also created a special operating system for the iPhone iOS. This operating system relies on touch screen navigation which at that time made many people amazed.

In fact, until now the iPhone is believed to be the role-model majority of smartphones on the market today.

Jobs died in California at the age of 56, precisely on October 5, 2011. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The death of the character who gave birth to this iPhone also received widespread attention and became a great loss for the world, especially the fans and iPhone users.

3. Larry Page

Are there any smartphone users who never use Google services?

All Google products, such as search engines, email, cloud storage services , maps, music players, to translators can all be found on smartphones and greatly assist their users.

Larry Page - Google

All that can not be separated from the role of a computer programmer reliably named Lawrence Edward Page aka Larry Page who founded Google together with his partner, Sergey Brin.

Since childhood, Page is familiar with the computer because his parents who work can not be separated from the computer. He claimed to be interested in computers since the age of 6 years and have learned it.

Until the graduate period, Page with Brin refine the search engine that was introduced in 1998. Google also grew into a company that has many internet services.

Starting from search engines, email services , maps, translators, calendars, and various other services that can not be separated from the needs of smartphone owners .

In fact, at first Google is just a research project done by Page and Brin in 1996. Both graduate students at Stanford University were collaborating on a research project and led to a search engine called BackRub which operated using campus server.

The success of the research resulted in an investment of Rp 1.3 billion from Sun Co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim. After a fund injection, they have their first office in a garage owned by Susan Wojcicki who is now CEO of YouTube.

Google began to hire engineers and set up a sales team . As the team continues to grow, Google headquarters moves to The GooglePlex in Mountain View, California.

Now, Google already has more than 50 thousand employees in 50 countries. The company also diligently acquires other technology companies and gushes products and services used worldwide.

Today, Larry Page is CEO of Alphabet Inc., Google's parent company.

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