Monday, January 15, 2018

How to intercept whatsapp conversations others with clone techniques

How to tap the conversation Whatsapp other people with clone techniques , Whatsapp is one of the most popular social networking applications today, and its existence can already be juxtaposed with the BBM application, but one of the advantages of Whatsapp to be able to compete with BBM-class applications is the acceptance of features the picture is very clear and in accordance with the size of the file dikirmkannya, different from the BBM which if we do the image sending then with automatic BBM application will change the size and image resolution so that the image will be broken.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Mikhail Kalashnikov the inventor of the AK-47 who regretted his innovation

Lieutenant General Mikhail T. Kalashnikov is one of the designers of the most popular weapons in history, the AK-47. The rifle was first launched in 1974 and is still produced today.

Kalashnikov was born on November 10, 1919, in Kuriya, Krai Altai, RSFS Russia . He grew up in a large family of farmers and underwent a bit of formal education.

Kalashnikov initially aspired to become a poet, but his dreams did not materialize because he joined the Russian military in 1938. While on duty in the tank division, he worked on several inventions to improvise the tank's function.

Specifications of Nokia 6 2018 Edition Use Snapdragon 630

HMD Global has launched the Nokia 6 2018 edition in China. Nokia's latest smartphone is a continuation of the Nokia 6 which was released the Finnish company in January 2017.

Nokia 6 2018 edition powered with a better processor than its predecessor the Snapdragon 630 with a speed of 2.2 GHz, and 4GB of RAM. Comes in two variants of 32GB and 64GB memory, Nokia 6 2018 edition is also able to accommodate up to 128GB of external memory.

In terms of design, this Finnish smartphone carries a 5.5 inch screen with Corning Gorilla Glass 3. Although not carrying a curved screen like mid-end smartphone and flagship lately, Nokia 2018 edition featuring 16: 9 aspect rasion. Bezelnya also looks wide at the top and bottom of the smartphone.

Discovery Symbol "@" Role in Commerce to Connect People in the World

You must often see the symbol @ or 'at' either in the smartphone or on your computer. Do you know what the meaning of the symbol really is and how early is the invention?

There is a theory about the origin of the @ symbol. In the middle ages, the monks sought a quick way while copying the manuscripts, they changed the Latin word "to" to "a" with the back "d" as the tail.

Young, 'The Most Experienced Astronaut US' Died

The United States Space Agency (NASA) announced the sad news on Saturday (6/1). John Young, the man who walked on the moon in 1972 died at the age of 87 years.

Young, "the most experienced American astronaut," breathed his last Friday (5/1) night after suffering from pneumonia.

"Today, NASA and the world are losing a pioneer," said NASA chief executive officer Robert Lightfoot. Young who travels to space six times is the ninth man who set foot on the moon.

He flew into space twice with the NASA Gemini program in the mid-1960s, twice with the Apollo Program, and twice with the space shuttle in the 1980s. He is the only person who flies into space in three programs.

Relationship between Santa's Weight and Roofs

In a child's fairy tale, it is said that Santa Claus with his wagon train will cross the roof of the house to distribute gifts on Christmas Eve.

The boy's tale became a "trivial but important" research material by Swedish construction company NCC. In their research, they calculated the relationship between the weight of Santa Claus and the average resilience of a rooftop in Sweden.

Memorize One Decade of iPhone 'Down to Earth'

Steve Jobs climbed onto the Macworld Convention on January 9, 2007, preparing to introduce a smart device that became a new breakthrough in the technology industry. After explaining with a distinctive style, the screen was lifted and boom .. The device was given the name of the iPhone!

What Jobs showcased about the iPhone seems to always ring, which is a three-in-one device . "iPone sailed with touch control, revolutionary mobile phones , and new breakthroughs in Internet communications," Jobs said. Not felt, since Jobs confidence coloring the stage at that time, the iPhone has now been aged 10 years since he first glide.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Getting to Blogger's History, Creating Service Founder Founder Twitter

Blogger or known as blogspot is an online publishing service developed by Pyra Labs. Blogger has a domain with the tool.

The service was launched on August 23, 1999 by Pyra Labs founded by Evan Williams, co-founder of Twitter. Blogger initially free services to users. But due to the financial crisis he faced, he was forced to ask for donations.

Luckily, Blogger gets support from Trellix and Evan manages to restore the company's financial condition. By the time the company's health was back to normal, Pyra Labs was sold to Google in 2003.

Getting to Know the Pen Writing Tool Originally Made Of Fur, Here's The History!

Currently pen or pen may have been replaced by a smartphone to perform the task of recording. With the virtual keyboard in the smartphone one can write a note easily.

But did you know that the pen was originally made of fur? This is described in a book entitled Deliciae Physico-Mathematicae (1636) told by the German inventor, Daniel Schwenter. He said that the pen was originally made of fur.

Thanks to the Ancient Invention, Sandals (Slippers) are Predicted to Be There 10,000 Years Ago

(Photo by courtesy)

Sandals are an open footwear needed by humans to date. Sandals initially serves as a protector of the foot so as not exposed to sharp objects and keep the feet clean.

But with the development of modern times, sandals not only serves as regular footwear but also as a complementary style (fashion) that can be tailored to the wearer's costume.

Given the Development of Copiers Created Since 1937

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Photocopier officially created in 1937 by Chester Carlson when he discovered a process called photography electrons. Carlson created a photocopier because he wanted a more convenient and efficient way to accomplish everyday tasks.

Carlson's work in a patent office required him to make large quantities of copies every day, which at that time was difficult and expensive.

16 Years Blind, This Man Can Finally Look At His Wife's Face!!!

Just imagine a person who just became a parent. Of course he felt the happiness and pride of the immeasurable. It can not wait to see the child grow and become a blessing to the world.

But there is one problem. We can not "watch" as the child grows. Because of a rare disease, it is legally blind ( legally blind ).

Positive and Negative Impacts of Drone Use

Can not be denied, the presence of technology is like a coin that has two sides. No matter how sophisticated the technology is, it has a good side and a bad side. This also applies to drones .

Ease of getting and using drones is very helpful to humans. Its relatively small and sleek shape makes the drone get into narrow gaps. Malicious activities such as monitoring the structure of the chemical industry can also be replaced by drones .

In addition to Bill Gates, These 3 Figures of Technology are Changing the World

The presence of technology that changes the world can not be separated from the great people behind him.

Call it the name of Bill Gates, known as the founder of Microsoft, computer software used worldwide. In addition to Gates, there are some technological creators who change the world.

Here are three tech figures whose findings are still in use today and change the world. Anyone?

1. Tim Berners-Lee 

Internet users must know the world wide web ( www). Through www , we can connect, exchange information with anyone, anywhere, and whenever the internet network can be accessed. Well, www found by a famous programmer from London, Tim Berners-Lee.

First Smartphone with Thermometer Will Be Released Soon?

South Korean technology company CrucialTec recently launched a micro-size thermometer sensor module that can be installed in smartphones .

Based on the Korean Herald report , the device is capable of measuring one's body temperature within 0.5 seconds using applications connected to the smartphone .

So far it is already a lot of smartphone applications that claim to run the body thermometer function, although so the ability is still a  gimmick alone.

How to Enable Tethering, Make WiFi Hotspot with Smartphone

Not all places provide Wi-Fi connection for free or free. So, what if you're in need of a Wi-Fi connection?

The answer is to use a smartphone as a Wi-Fi hotspot, or the term is tethering. Indeed this way is commonly used by many people, but some are not yet know how to activate tethering, especially if the user has just changed from feature phone to smartphone.

What Technology Will Be Present in 2018?

Technological advancements give birth to more and more innovations that spring up every year. Predicted technology in the last year was proven by the development of virtual reality technology and on-demand services. Then what about the technology prediction that will be present in 2018?

Quoting from (3/1/2018), the following predictions list of technology trends that will be present in this year!

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