Friday, February 26, 2021

The Origins of Rice Cookers

Rice Cooker is an electronic device used to cook rice. Apart from cooking rice, this tool also has a versatile function because it can be used for steaming, boiling vegetables, and so on.

Rice Cooker was first invented by Yoshida Minami. Initially, in 1937 this tool was first developed by the Japanese army. Japanese soldiers at that time used wooden containers and metal plates to cook rice. A wooden container that is continuously heated by a metal plate will make the rice cook, but it turns out that this takes a very long time considering that the container is not equipped with a lid.

To shorten the time used, the tool was finally equipped with a lid, it was also successful in making the container able to absorb the hot steam that came out of the rice and not let the steam escape just like that. The results of the refinement of this tool finally made Mitsubishi have an idea to develop it into a more perfect product. If the Japanese army used a wooden container to cook rice, Mitsubishi sparked the idea of ​​replacing wooden containers with aluminum which can deliver higher heat. Finally, this product is also very effective for cooking rice because of the aluminum material and also the cover that can take advantage of the hot steam from the product. In 1945, Mitsubishi also produced this tool en masse.

Apparently the history of the rice cooker doesn't end there. In 1956, Toshiba also took part in developing the product and refining it into a more effective tool for cooking rice. Toshiba improved the rice cooker by making it stop working when the rice was completely cooked. This is a great discovery in the world. Since then, the rice cooker has become a very automatic tool for cooking rice. This innovation from Toshiba can also make these products safer when used. Finally, at that time, Toshiba produced an average of 200 thousand rice cookers per month. The development is so fast. Nearly 50% of Japanese citizens own a rice cooker in their homes.

After growing rapidly in Japan, this rice cooker product was finally able to penetrate the world market. Its functions are also developed for the better. In addition to cooking rice, rice cookers can also be used to warm rice, heat vegetables, and so on. However, this tool still uses electricity to use it.

When used to cook rice, the switch will be connected to the main heating element. After that, the electric current will go to the main heating element along with the rice cooker light that immediately turns on. When the heater reaches its maximum temperature and the rice is cooked, the automatic magnet (thermostat trip) will immediately move the lever so that the position of the switch that initially supplies electricity to the main heater changes to transmitting electricity to the rice heating element through the thermostat.

In the rice heating element, the thermostat which has reached the maximum temperature will automatically cut off the electric current to the warmer. Likewise, when the thermostat temperature decreases, the electric current will automatically reconnect. This process will also continue.

Rice cooker care can be said to be quite mild. Treatment is divided into physical, electrical and mechanical elements. Here are some tips for caring for a rice cooker:

When cooking rice, stir the rice regularly to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Choose a rice cooker that has even heat and also saves electricity, so you can produce cooked rice with good quality.
When the rice is low, you should unplug the power to save more electricity
To clean the pot in the rice cooker, do it when the pan is cold. Soak with water to make the remaining rice peel.
When washing the pot, use a soft spoon to prevent scratching the pan or teflon layer.
After washing the pan thoroughly, it's a good idea to rinse the pan with warm water to make sure no bacteria sticks to the pan.
When rinsing with water, make sure there is no soap residue stuck in the pan so that the rice you cook later will not smell like soap.
After washing, dry the inner pot.
Apart from drying the inner pot, also dry the outer pan with a soft cloth.
Poor maintenance of the rice cooker can cause damage to this product. To keep this product in good working order, we must know how to fix this product when it is damaged. The damage that occurs in a rice cooker is usually as follows:

- The power cord is broken or the insulation is peeled off
To overcome this, you can repair the damaged part or isolate it until it can be used again. But if the cable is very old and also short, you should replace the cable with a new cable.

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If the damage occurs to the switch or the buttons on the rice cooker, then to fix it is to take the product to a repairman. This is done because switch products on rice cookers are usually not sold in the market.

- Heating Element
Damage to heating elements usually occurs due to voltage errors. For example, the voltage that must be used is 110 volts, but instead it is used at 220 volts. Another thing that can cause this kind of damage is the lack of maintenance that causes the bottom of the rice cooker to rust. This causes the elements to break or break. To repair such damage is to buy a new heating element.

That's a brief history of rice cookers, working principles, maintenance and also how to repair damage to a rice cooker. The most important thing is, take good care of your rice cooker to reduce damage to the rice cooker in the future.

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